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Questions tagged [brownout]

A drop in supply voltage below the minimum operating voltage. Use for questions about designing circuits to be tolerant of brownouts, properly reset components after a brownout, etc.

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1 answer

ESP32: Random restarts, probably due to voltage instabilities

I created a module with an ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 powered via a MCP1825S LDO. The power supply is a Mean Well with 5 V / 4 A which also powers a Raspberry Pi 4. There are two interesting things: If I ...
Tintenfisch's user avatar
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1 answer

Brown outs with Nordic Instruments PPK2 power profiler

I have a circuit that I know works with 2 AA batteries that are nearly dead (1.4 volts total). I want to measure the current consumption of the circuit using my Nordic Instruments PPK2 meter. The only ...
MattG's user avatar
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Fan controller using ESP32

I have designed a fan controller using ESP32. It was working fine initially when we checked by giving the bulb as load. After that we connected it to a fan, and then it started brownout during the ...
Aakas Pulikkal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

STM32 not starting when supply voltage not dropping to zero

I am facing start-up issues during power on for the STM32L433. When voltage comes from zero everything works fine. But, if I disconnect the power supply from the wall socket and its internal ...
IGtti's user avatar
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ATmega88 Brown Out Detection issue

[]I have a designed based on the ATmega88PA-AUR and am having issues with the Brown Out Detection triggering when it should not be and looking for help. The uC is powered at +5V, regulated, and ...
Dan's user avatar
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Does the position of capacitors create ripple voltage?

I'm designing a multi-sensor board controlled by an ESP32-Pico-D4. I did tests with version 3 being able to programm it, but I decided to make it smaller by removing the USB chip (just leave pins for ...
LuisCarlos Pimentel's user avatar
1 vote
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Short term power supply

As a cheaper or longer lasting alternative to a battery, what else could maintain electricity for a second or two or more for a computer, PS4, TV or other similar devices when the lights are ...
Justintimeforfun's user avatar
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1 answer

MOSFET switching causes MCU reset

I designed a small USB board with STM32F072 MCU. There is a P-channel MOSFET driven by the STM32 that is supposed to power an external board (with only nRF52832 module and a few ceramic caps). When ...
Jaryn6909's user avatar
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1 answer

Arduino battery efficiency with DC motor or solenoid

In the past, I've had problems powering an Arduino with a DC motor or servo directly with a 9V battery (batteries dying quickly, brownouts, multiple components don't have enough current to work ...
user101874's user avatar
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Reducing light dimming when AC units urn on

Currently I use two 60 W incandescent bulbs and and a standard rotation dimmer in the office. When the A/Cs turn on on the 2nd floor these lights dim significantly and sometimes turn off. All wiring ...
Bob M's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to provide constant 24 AC volts to an inductive load using transformers - regardless of "brown-out" (low voltage) to the primary

I want to provide constant 24 volts AC to an inductive load using a transformer - regardless of "brown-out" (low voltage) conditions at the primary and I am not sure it is possible. During ...
John N's user avatar
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3 answers

Design for 110 V brownout detector

I suspect that a power circuit in my home has an intermittent connection somewhere, and I'd like to test this to be sure (because if I'm wrong, then the equipment running on that circuit needs to be ...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
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2 answers

Buck converter voltage drop and brownout

I was trying to build a 24 V to 5 V buck converter to create a shield that would power my Raspberry Pi4 via GPIO pins and also connect it to an accelerometer. The issue is, after powering it up, it ...
glados's user avatar
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Software disable brownout detection (BOD) on ATmega328p

I'm trying to disable the brownout detection (BOD) of a ATmega328p at runtime, before putting it into power-down sleep like this: ...
maxschlepzig's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is this energy saving P-MOSFET brown out solution working?

See explanatory image. If the power net (3.3 V) for my microcontroller runs out of power (detected with brown out detection) I make the gate to my P-MOSFET go high and this "disconnects" the ...
mannen's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Switching between battery 12 VDC and 24 VDC power

I need to have a device held up by a 12 V battery supply during brown outs but then restored back to normal running 24 VDC without any power interruption. The unit draws about 350 mA at 24 V. I cannot ...
phil's user avatar
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Keep microcontroller running for 450 us after power supply stops

I'm trying to power a microcontroller off a DALI communication bus. The bus voltage is 16V and is being regulated to 3.3V by a TS2950 to run the Attiny2313. The current draw from the circuit is ...
jonas's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Can a car electrical system brown out? [closed]

I have been in discussion with a bmw mechanic that is claiming a cars DC electrical system cannot have a brown out. Their claim is that the system is set up in such a way that it is either on or off. ...
NDEthos's user avatar
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How are the new AVR8X processors supposed to be used within their safe operating area?

The new generation of ATmega and ATtiny (for example, the ATmega3208) now supports an internal 16/20 MHz oscillator. However, looking at the safe operating area and the provided BOD levels, I'm ...
vsz's user avatar
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Voltage stabilization

I have several motors, and a microcontroller. The microcontroller sends 3.5v signals to the motors, which are powered by a separate 5v source. (The microcontroller also runs off the 5v.) Problem is,...
Erhannis's user avatar
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Choosing the right Brown-out level

I'm working with ATmega1280 (Datasheet link) Currently I'm using the internal RC-oscillator at 8MHz I'm also using Telit LE910 for sending data that can take up to 2A (from the Telit hardware user ...
Daniel Surizon's user avatar
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2 answers

BODLEVEL Fuse Coding

I'm using ATmega1280, and I have a question about this BOD table: what is exactly the meaning of "Min. Vbot" and "Max. Vbot"?
Daniel Surizon's user avatar
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2 answers

Brown-out detection with an external clock ATmega1280

I'm using ATmega1280 with an external clock and I have some questions about the "safe operating area" for preventing EEPROM corruption with BOD. The external clock is: Crystals 14.7456MHz ...
Daniel Surizon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate capacitor to fix a brownout

I have connected an ESP32 to a 3v3 voltage regulator as seen in the picture below. Essentially: Unregulated voltage ----[4.7uF]---LDO---[4.7uF]--[0.1uF]-- Then at the ESP32 at the VIN i have [10uF]--[...
AleXc's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry PI powering a peripheral device while accessing it via USB causing PI brownout/short-circuit

My current project utilises a Raspberry PI (3B+ or 4B) to communicate and control an external peripheral device. The Raspberry PI also has a UPS (PiJuice) attached, including a Li-Ion battery (and ...
Victor Romeo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Microcontroller working voltage + brownout circuit

I'm working with LPC1769, but this applies to any MCU. The datasheet states that the power supply range is from 2.4V to 3.6V. The included brownout detection circuit triggers a warning interrupt ...
Roland Korg's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I replicate a brownout for the purpose of testing

Is there a device or design in which I can place in between the wall outlet and the powered device itself that will cause the powered device to undergo a brownout condition?
Niko_Jako's user avatar
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3 answers

STM32L031G6 Power on Reset Issue

I currently have a PCB that I designed using a STM32L031G6 MCU. I have designed many boards with STM32 chips as well as other MCU's. Typically I have a simple cap and pullup resistor on the RST line ...
Kyle Hunter's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the effect of brown out detection on frequency? [closed]

I want to use ATMega16 microcontroller to strobe a flash for an industrial camera. So timing is important. I enable BOD (brown out detection). Does BOD affect frequency or timing? If yes, is ...
Babak.Abad's user avatar
3 votes
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Audio amp causing microcontroller glitching - how to better decouple?

Complete schematic is at This is a little game with a DAC output being used as a digital audio playback system. The DAC output ...
nsayer's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Brownout Reset Circuit a standard or optional safety feature in an MCU?

I've been using STM32 MCU's without paying attention to the BOR circuit: Some datasheets indicate that the device has a built-in BOR circuit but some doesn't include such an information. Is it ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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4 answers

Peak TX current of LoRa RFM95W

I'm running into some issues powering a test board using a LoRa chip (RFM95W) with a CR2032 battery. I'm well aware of the peak current limitation of such battery and I can see a major voltage drop ...
Waz's user avatar
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Soft-power on/off with ATMega/Relay causes brown-outs and unexpected voltages

This questions consists of two parts. Background I'm designing a digitally controller class D amplifier. Main IC's are a TI TPA3116D2 Class D amplifier, a TI PGA2311 volume control and an ...
Ariejan's user avatar
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4 answers

how to avoid brownout caused by a multimeter on esp32

I am using the VOLTCRAFT VC130 multimeter for measurement of current through my esp32. The microcontroller runs perfectly with two 1.5V batteries(~3V as read by multimeter in voltage mode). But when I ...
Alok Y's user avatar
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1 answer

What is technical difference (internal voltage) between Digital multimeter's current measuring ranges mA (milliampere) and A(ampere)?

Is there any difference in internal power supply (DMM's) while knob turned to mA and A. While measuring current in my microcontroller-module with keeping mA on DMM, I am getting brownout detected (...
user6100298's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Do the new "PB" variants of ATmega have a bug in the brown-out detector?

We've been using ATmega48/88/168/328 microcontrollers successfully for many years in many of our products. We have now considered to switch from the A and PA variants to the new PB variant (because we ...
vsz's user avatar
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3 answers

why is this microcontroller brown-out level detection at 2.6V and 3.4V

The default brown-out detection level for the ATmega32u4 is 2.6V (typical) in the range of 2.4V to 2.8V. The table of possible values: ...
H2ONaCl's user avatar
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1 answer

How to simulate ~1ms long power interruption

I am looking to test an embedded system for its behavior during power interruption soon after power on. The system is supplied with 15V DC power with a steady state draw of <...
crasic's user avatar
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Handling power loss in a Microcontroller

I am trying to save the context of a microcontroller during a power loss. I already have a detection circuit which tells the microcontroller about the power loss. During a power failure, I needed some ...
Zac's user avatar
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ATMega328P Programs at 2V but not at 1.8V

I'm perplexed by this one: I'm trying to run my ATMega328P at 1.8V. The voltage at the chip (pin 4 and 21) sits at 1.82V (BK Precision Multimeter). When using the AVRISP mkII, the programmer LED ...
dramsay's user avatar
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Getting brownouts when using MCU controlled P-FET to switch power to another board

I have an MCU connected to a logic level P-FET(part no AO3401A). The source is wired to a 3.3V regulator that also feeds the MCU. The drain is wired to an LED and a header that connects to a second ...
user181052's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Adding capacitance across USB power pins? [closed]

It's not as good as putting it in the hub but it's a quick lazy attempt. For keeping devices (Raspberry Pi for example) from experiencing brownouts on the order of milliseconds in duration which ...
ab1jx's user avatar
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ATmega328P current drawn when in Brown out

I'm experimenting with an ATmega328p on a breadboard using the standard Arduino bootloader. I'm looking at the power consumption as I want to power the device from a solar panel and a large cap. I've ...
Darren Grist's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Should I unplug devices when there's a power outtage? [closed]

My friends always tell me to unplug my devices during a 'brownout' (it's what they call power outage here in my country. In some places they call it blackout). Why should I be? Is the voltage or maybe ...
Korben Capitulo's user avatar
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Brownout Mitigation

I've got a system problem where the power up of one module causes the system at large to brown out, ostensibly because of inrush current to that module. Things kind of recover into a stable ...
vicatcu's user avatar
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2 DC Motors and 18 Micro Servo motors from shared battery (6 AA batteries?), active monitoring?

I'm trying to power 2 DC Motors and 18 Micro Servo Motors with a microcontroller as a kind of Arduino-like board. Any help would be very appreciated! I'm looking for opinions on my current plan and ...
Shanee Vanstone's user avatar
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How to recover from a brown out on STM32L0

I'm using STM32L0. My firmware operates at 2V. These are stepped down from 24V. If I have a short of the 24V for a short period of time this causes a brown out on my 2V the voltage begins to oscillate ...
Flying Swissman's user avatar
7 votes
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Atmega328P - How is brown-out-detection supposed to work?

[SOLVED][UPDATE]: The problem was with fuse bits. Somehow the fuses were being incorrectly written as 0xFE rather than 0xFD. FE corresponds to 1.8V and thus arduino board was working down to 1.8V. I ...
Whiskeyjack's user avatar
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Minimizing mosfet interactions and overshoots. A case study

I'm back again with another headache of my own creation. It seems I'm constantly learning things the hard way. Straight to the point questions: I've noticed that my reverse voltage protection ...
bathMarm0t's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Engine cranking corrupts SPI driven 7segment display

I am driving six 7-segment displays with SPI using MAX7219 and ATmega128. This is for displaying various engine parameters like rpm, oil pressure etc. for large marine diesel engines (>100 kW). The ...
beta_male's user avatar