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Is parallel buffering with ISR possible?

Speaking generally, given a time-critical module and an MCU (act as buffer),. If we look at the datasheet of the module, we know the timing diagram. Then, it's possible we can read the module through ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
8 votes
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Program never goes into interrupt

I used to work with C but I am trying to learn using C++ for embedded programming. I want to do a basic GPIO interrupt example to understand the structure of a class and its usage. My microcontroller ...
Bowman's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Why is my interrupt so slow/inconsistent? Arduino external interrupt as pedestrian crossing button

So this is the setup; It's a traffic light system with 2 road lights and a pedestrian crossing. The normal sequence is alternating between main road green and secondary road green. It reads these ...
EmptyAtoms's user avatar
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Error Real Time Clock implementation AVR microcontroller

I want to create a real-time clock using ATmega328p microcontroller. The microcontroller's frequency is 1 MHz. So, I think I should use timer interrupts in CTC mode to generate interrupt every second. ...
manueld4722623's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Interrupts using member function

I am trying to use a member function in an interrupt. The function uses member variables so I created a global instance of that class to use it in a static function. The problem is that I created a ...
FF504's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Use PWM and ISR at same time on AVR

Is it possible to use AVR PWM outputs and ISR interrupts at the same time? I've got a project I'm trying to do on an ATMega328P and I need 3 PWM outputs but ALSO need to be able to use ISR interrupts ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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3 votes
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Understanding volatile class fields in AVR C++ programs

I'm having some confusion about what members to declare volatile in a program I'm writing in C++ for an AVR microcontroller, with interrupts. When it's plain C it makes sense - the compiler doesn't ...
QuadrupleA's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Arduino and Interrupts: Fast way to get pin values

I use an Arduino Uno and already set it up to work with interrupts on digital pins 2, 3, 4 and 5 according to an explanation1 I found. void setup() contains the ...
madc's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Bug in Keil ARM compiler with interrupt handlers and C++?

I have a problem with writing interrupt handlers in Keil ARM compiler for LPC1114. When I write program in C++ and specify --cpp compiler option all code from interrupt handlers disappears, it is ...
x4mer's user avatar
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