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MEGA2560 only starts program after pressing RESET button multiple times

I am working on a program where I am controlling an MP3 player by using UART between my MEGA2560 and the MP3 player. The MEGA2560 sends serial commands to the MP3 player when external interrupts are ...
user164324's user avatar
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Using UDRIE0 interrupt in ATmega168

I only have some limited knowledge in interrupts. This is what I understand about following ISR functions ISR(USART_RX_vect) will get called when a new data ...
Athul's user avatar
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why doesn't this code receive string ?(it just receive the first character)

I want to receive a string whit atmega8 that is sent by another atmega8. The sender send string just one time, but in receiver just first character is received. I can't understand what is the problem? ...
mary's user avatar
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USART in SPI mode vs. SPI hardware speed

On AVR ATmega devices, the USART has the capability to function in SPI mode (i.e. synchronous with no start or stop bits). The chief operational difference is that the TX line (i.e. MOSI) has a buffer,...
HaLailah HaZeh's user avatar
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Timer causes UART problem

I have a problem, found on both ATMEGA1284P and ATMEGA2560. I have set a 16-bit timer in CTC (tried both Timer1 and Timer5) to give an interrupt every 1ms so I can increment a 32-bit volatile time ...
Johis's user avatar
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4 answers

What can be the cause of an exceptionally large latency for the UART receive interrupt?

I receive data on the UART, using an 8-bit atmega, usually around 5 bytes connected, then a long pause. The total time for one byte (with start+stop bits, I don't use parity) is 160 us. However, the ...
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