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Questions tagged [pmbus]

A largely open-standard communication protocol, based on an IIC physical layer, designed for digital management of power supplies. (A specific application is patent-encumbered by Power-One, Inc.)

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2 answers

I2C returning ACK irregularly on PMBUS device

I am implementing PMBus (variation of SMBus and I2C) communication using a Raspberry Pi 4B+ (RPi) as the master. I am having issues with the slave power supply (PSU) irregularly answering the ...
Lucas J's user avatar
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How to convert SMBUS example code to fully compatible MCU, STM32L4R5 -> STM32L496 [duplicate]

Has anyone been able to use the STM32 SMBUS/PMBUS examples codes, and successfully port it to another compatible mcu? If so what was the steps taken for the conversion? (Currently trying to flash ...
soccernismo's user avatar
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1 answer

STM32 - Porting/Tailoring Example Files to different Microcontroller - xcubeide

How do you convert a project made for one development board for another development board within X-CUBE-IDE. I am trying to copy a SMBUS example over to a different Development board, so I was ...
soccernismo's user avatar
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1 answer

Avnet IO Carrier: SCL Resistor Function in PMBus?

I'm studying the Schematic of the AvNet IO Carrier for the Ultrascale+ based SoM. In particular, I have a doubt about the function of the R130 resistor on page 14. Can someone help me to understand ...
g.mezzina23's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the various ways in which an I2C bus may hang

I am very new to electronics and have entered in the territory of I2C bus. Want to understand the behaviour of compliant devices as per I2C protocol specification. One condition as per the link below ...
ultimate cause's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Possibility of SMBus/PMBus device with I2C Master?

Can I communicate with a SMBus/PMBus device with I2C? I've been reading the specs and getting quite confused. It seems to me the only difference is the voltage levels and the need to have a restart ...
flashburn's user avatar
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16 bit signed data format in PMBus spec

The PMBus specification (>= Rev1) specifies that the query command returns a data byte with a binary bit pattern of 001 in bits 4:2 if the format used for the ...
Toby's user avatar
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1 answer

How to interpret the PMBus response delay time value?

EDIT: I should make it clear that I am asking in terms of creating the PMBus firmware for the device rather than attempting to program the device using PMBus commands. In section 10 The PMBus ...
Toby's user avatar
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How does SMBus receive byte command protocol know what to send?

Im programming an I2C device to act as a PMBus slave. Looking at the SMBus protocols (which PMBus is built on) the Receive Byte command has a format described as follows: ...
Toby's user avatar
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PMBus licensing

I have just (20 mins ago) started looking at the possibility of using PMBus in future products and have come across the PowerOne licensing issue (referenced by, but also other ...
Toby's user avatar
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