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Questions tagged [potentiostat]

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Understanding ADC digital isolation to avoid ground loops

I have designed a circuit to measure the voltage of a battery. This battery is being cycled all the time by a potentiostat (charging-discharging) which injects positive current to charge the battery ...
bardulia's user avatar
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Potentiostat wave-like waveform output of the system on square wave voltametry

This is a question I managed to solve! But because it took me 2 weeks to find out the issue and write this whole question, I leave it here for anyone that might face the same issue at the future. ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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Potentiostat calibration and measurement

Maybe this question is obvious, but I'll try. I am trying replicate this potentiostat without R5: In the interests of calibrating it I've joined the reference and the counter electrode to resistor of ...
Elí Flores's user avatar
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Potentiostat circuit: Cannot understand how op-amp behaves

I am replicating this potentiostat schematic. It eventually works as I want it to, and I get the desired readings on the output. I input a voltage in the Vin (top left), and I get the Vout at the ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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Why does output voltage drop when charging battery? [closed]

I'm an electrochemical engineer. I saw a video showing although the output voltage from transformer is about 16.5V without connection, the voltage immediately drops to 9.86V, slightly higher than the ...
Donghoon LEE's user avatar
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Electrochemical Gas Sensor Potentiostat Circuit

I guess this is more of a review request than a specific question, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with electrochemical sensors and the required circuits for gaining accurate ...
RSA5000's user avatar
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Is the potentiostat resistor wrong in this PDF?

I was reading this potentiostat paper: (which was found here) I was wondering how this I/V current to voltage converter works to the right. Correct me if I am wrong here. I am pretty sure it goes ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar