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Questions tagged [proteus]

Proteus PCB Design Software

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How to correctly configure dsPIC to receive UART signal?

I want to use Proteus to simulate UART data transmission, I am going to open two virtual COM ports and connect them. So I first use Virtual Serial Ports Emulator to open virtual COM ports: Second, I ...
Po-Jen Lai's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Heat Activated Alarm

I am working on a project in which I have to simulate a heat activated alarm. I have attached two images. One of which is a Proteus circuit image that i have made. When i start its simulation the ...
Rehan Abbasi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

MPLAB XC8 vs MikroC problem

I have been trying to write a program for LCD on PIC18f452. I found a library and worked on it and MPLAB XC8 compiled it successfully. I tested it in ISIS and it ...
Lagrangian 's user avatar
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1 answer

Placing component vertically in ISIS

I am using a large capacitor in one of my circuits and due to space constraints I can't keep it in the vertical position. Does anybody know how I can place it horizontally in the circuit in ISIS?
Aayman Khalid's user avatar
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How to get rid of "Invalid opcode 0x002A at PC=0x004" in ISIS Proteus?

I have used ATmega 8 and have simulated a circuit to use interrupts, when i give an external interrupt i.e. when a push button is pressed all the LEDs connected to PORTB supposed to be lit up, but i ...
user75736's user avatar
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1 answer

Fail to verify if watch dog timer works properly

I wrote a simple watch dog timer program. First I light up a LED, and I want to see if watch dog timer will reset the chip and the LED would be turned off(I didn't feed the watch dog). ...
Po-Jen Lai's user avatar
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1 answer

Pin numbering of Atmega 168

PCO/ADC/PCINT8 is pin mapping for pin 23 of ATmega 168.Which of these mappings should be included in LiquidCrystal lcd(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6); when interfacing ATmega 168 to 16*2 lcd? Can someone assist me ...
Samson Wasonga's user avatar
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Error in Proteus simulation using ATmega16 with Arduino IDE [duplicate]

I am building a circuit in Proteus 7 Professional using an ATmega16 and 16x2 LCD display. I have code for the display. The code compiles with no error in the Arduino IDE, however in Proteus simulation ...
Samson Wasonga's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How could I create two separate ground areas with Proteus?

I need to design a PCB layout to a system using an isolated communication with optocouplers, what means that I need separated ground areas, each one on one side of the communication that I want to ...
Sofia Lima's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Problem with MPLAB's toolsuite

I'm taking a module at University that involves MPLab. I'm trying to get it setup at home and so far its been a little tricky. I've got my files from University which I've attached below - if there ...
sdfkjsdfsgfvsdgfsdg's user avatar
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2 answers

Print a PCB layout several times in the same sheet at once in Proteus

How can I replicate my layout so I can print several of them in the same sheet without having to do it manually (printing one layout each time and setting its position relative to the previous ...
borges's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to debug C code of a PIC16F84A in Proteus ISIS VSM?

I have just downloaded the Proteus ISIS Circuit Simulator and I've noticed that in their samples, they have PIC projects based on C and they could step through the C code in the debuger. Here is a ...
Dr Deo's user avatar
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