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NUCLEO stm32 board and gpios [closed]

Im looking for a microcontroller with a lot of gpio. I have looked into NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q. As I understand it shall provide me with 144 gpio but im not sure if I need some header for this to happen? I ...
acroscene's user avatar
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How connect the STlink on NUCLEO f401RE to communicate with STM32F4 discovery?

I have this configuration of MCUs. I need to know how connect the STlink on NUCLEO to discovery because I need the Virtual com PORT.
Cristian DAuria 's user avatar
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"Textbook" example of UART doesn't work on stm32f756zg. HAL_UART_Transmit() returns HAL_BUSY

I want to send a message through uart5 of my nucleo board. I configured UART5 appropriately as per . Here is main(): ...
David's user avatar
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How to find the current consumed by an STM32 Nucleo-144 board [closed]

I'm trying to find the current consumed by ST Nucleo board for one of my applications to understand how it can be minimized on requirements.
Ramachandruni Chandana's user avatar
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Recieving and processing array of data on STM32

I am trying to use RealTerm to send a .txt file containing a 10X10 array of data to my STM32 NUCLEO board using an UART. So far I have been using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA and I have been able to store ...
Astroguy1234's user avatar
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Nucleo-F767ZI won't start if powered through external 5V

I'm trying to power a Nucleo-F767ZI demoboard through external 5V(through E5V pin). When it's powered by USB, the code runs as expected(some LEDs blink), but when i attach the external 5V, and i ...
RawCode's user avatar
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Why do I get Hard Fault error when I use RTOS with STM32?

I have created a library for ILI ILI9341 LCD that can do lot's of stuffs. It's made for STM32 and it can do: Plots Number pad Icons 16 bit Windows 3.11 Question dialog Frames But when I try to load ...
euraad's user avatar
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How accurate are the crystals on ST's Nucleo boards?

I got myself a cheap ST Nucleo-L053R8 on discount, to play around with a couple ideas. The main STM32L053R8 only has a low-frequency 32.768 kHz crystal for RTC, but it can also be provided with an 8 ...
relatively_random's user avatar
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Using different UART pins on STM32 Nucleo

I am trying to use the STM32F103RB Nucleo board. I am learning how to do serial comms so started with the classic 'Hello world' printed to a serial monitor. Eventually, I want to print data to the ...
MCG's user avatar
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Shutdown mode on stm32 consuming a lot of power

I am testing the demo code given in the directory STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.14.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L476RG\Examples\PWR for CubeMX. I am testing the code PWR_ModesSelection and am recording ...
Souvik Saha's user avatar
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How to set up clock for the STM32 Nucleo-64 with libopencm3/rtos

I was using this code from github on a blue pill. Now I would like to adapt it for STM32F401 on a Nucleo-64 board. I tried changing the GPIO to A7 and attaching an led (which lit up when I attached it ...
Joey Gough's user avatar
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SPI clocking in extra word - STM32F4

I am attempting to interface with the TLE5012B (datasheet here) using SPI. The master in this case is a Nucleo F411RE, which uses an STM32F4 processor. The sensor communicates in 16-bit words, so I ...
Isaac Middlemiss's user avatar
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Remove 0 Ohm resistor (solder bridge jumper)

I have an STM Nucleo-64 board that I want to power from my own 3v3 rail. To do so you must remove two solder bridges (SB2 and SB12 in the photos), both made with what appear to be size 805, \$0\Omega\$...
TrivialCase's user avatar
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Using a nucleo board as ST-link for STM32F722RET6 (Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR))

we have disconnected the ST-link from the nucleoboard and prepared it correctly for its use. we connected it back to the nucleoboard, and everything worked like it should. We want to use this ST-link ...
Ole Halvor's user avatar
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Can I use just plain GCC to compile program for Nucleo?

I have a ST Nucleo F446RE. It's an ARM board which provides quite an interesting interface for uploading programs - it presents itself as USB storage device and the program can be copied on it, which ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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How to correctly configure deepsleep for STM32L0xx

I'm trying to configure my Nucleo Board with a STM32L073RZ in deepsleep mode to get the lowest power consumption. To do that I use the mbed librairies with the deepsleep() function (This function use ...
Simon NOWAK's user avatar
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Use 2 RTC Alarm on STM32L073RZ

I'm trying to configure two different alarms on my STM32L073RZ with the given example by StMicroelectronics. The problem is, when I try something like the script below, only the first Alarm turned on ...
Simon NOWAK's user avatar
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RTC Alarm deepSleep STM32L073RZ

I'm trying to configure 2 differents Alarms on my STM32L073RZ to leave the deepSleep mode but unfortunately after the first wakeUp the memory is reset and the second alarm never wakeUp the STM32. My ...
Simon NOWAK's user avatar