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Questions tagged [strain-gage]

A strain gauge measures the physical strain on an object. The most common types are a metallic foil attached to a flexible backing where the resistances changes when subjected to compression or tension.

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3 votes
5 answers

Measuring weight on a gym machine [closed]

We're doing a school project where we have to measure weight on a fitness machine. The user can select how many weight plates to use by moving a rod like shown in the picture. How would you do it? ...
Jolle's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Should we use wheatstone bridges nowadays?

For measuring strain gauges, the Wheatstone bridge is the historical choice. In a quarter Wheatstone brigde (\$350 \Omega \$ typically (?)), with a high input impedance amplifier, and some bridge ...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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3 answers

A question about choosing, implementing and placing a strain-gauge amplifier

This will be a little long question. Since I was and still am alien to some concepts, I will go step by step. Basically it is about implementing a strain-gauge amplifier and wiring configurations for ...
floppy380's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Read Wheatstone Bridge negative voltage with Arduino?

I have a half bridge setup with strain gages and a INA126 to amplify the voltage. I can read the voltage fine when the lever is bent one way, but when beding the lever in the opposite direction I don'...
criverapr's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Strategy to balance a Wheatstone bridge for strain measurement

The purpose of my project is to build a sufficiently accurate "Strain indicator" based on the use of a Wheatstone bridge using an Arduino. Currently I am using a HX711 as load cell amplifier which is ...
Guuk's user avatar
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2 answers

How does full wheatstone bridge with strain gauges work?

I have gone through a number of tutorials on Wheatstone bridge and how to use it to sense load using strain gauges. I have also gone through the calculations where one of the resistors of the ...
Shishir Pandey's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Instrumentation amp giving only positive output (with + and - power supplies)

I'm using an instrumentation amp for a bridge circuit for strain gauges. However, the output range is always positive (the lowest value I can get is zero). The amp I use is AD620. For power supply I ...
cola chicken's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Connecting the Shield of a strain gage cable connector to PCB with ADC

I have a half-bridge strain gage sensor (pre-assembled product) with a 30cm cable, which I am trying to interface with my PCB containing a 24-bit ADC. The connector at the cable end toward the ADC (i....
boardbite's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I calculate the minimum deflection I can sense with a strain gauge, like the BF350-3AA?

I have a strain gauge (the BF350-3AA), and I will be connecting it to an HX711-based amplifier sensor. From its low-quality datasheet, I've pulled out the following figures: Nominal Resistance: 350 ...
HumpbackWhale194's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Sensing weight with strain gauge, InAmp, ADC & Pi

I have an SEN-10245 sensor for weighing objects (essentially a strain gauge). The goal is to capture data with a Raspberry Pi, so the signal from the weight sensor needs to be amplified and then ran ...
Anconia's user avatar
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1 answer

How does temperature compensation work for strain gauge in wheatstone bridge

Wheatstone bridge is used for temperature compensation for strain gauges If 2 strain gauges are connected like this figure. Due to temperature variation; the resistance Rg will change in the same way....
Kono's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

AD620 input voltage range identification

I wish to buy this AD620 amplifier module for amplifying my strain gauge voltage. I also wish to use it with my thermocouple. Basically, I want to accurately read DC voltage values from around 0.1 mV ...
Atharva's user avatar
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