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3 votes
1 answer

How to debug unexpected behavior on voltage-controlled oscillator PCBA?

I designed a circuit for a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) for use in a synth and had it fabricated and assembled as a PCBA. I got three assemblies back and while two behave exactly to spec (and ...
Aaron Kimball's user avatar
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Modern temperature compensation of 1 V/oct VCOs

With Akaneohm Tempco resistors going out of production, I have been searching for alternative ways to reliably build a VCO that does not drift with temperature. I have been searching around, but I can ...
SunnyDay's user avatar
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1 answer

~3400 ppm/C resistor replacement/substitute?

I am working on reviving an old synth design (Transcendent 2000 for those interested) and the VCO and VCF both rely on high ppm/C resistors to compensate for temperature changes. I can include the ...
AWESDUDE COOL's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do different octaves sound different in the presence of a low-pass filter in a synthesizer?

Per my understanding, when playing a certain pitch, say 440 Hz (middle C), the VCOs will produce their corresponding waveforms (say sawtooth) at that frequency. Because of the characteristics of the ...
Paghillect's user avatar
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0 answers

Sawtooth VCO DC offset issues

[Apologies in advance for possible misuse of terminology. I don't have any formal education in EE and am mostly self taught, so I may be lacking in some fundamentals.] I am trying to design a discrete ...
wurly's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Analog exponential convert for MFOS VCO

I'm trying to understand the exponential converter in the MFOS VCO. Here is a link to the complete MFOS Noise Box synth schematic.
honkskillet's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Grounding Vcc and Vee?

I recently started electronics as my hobby. I'm working on this v/oct modular synth and in the schematic that I was working on, it did not make sence to me when all the Vcc and Vee are connected to ...
hohohoman's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Minimoog VCO analysis

The diagram shows part of the schematic for the late-model Minimoog VCO. In the circuit, Q7 and Q8 form a current sink, drawing a current through the collector of Q7 that is exponentially related to ...
Mike Spivey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I add a tuning potentiometer to modify the incoming control voltage of an XR8038?

I have been working on designing an analog synth and have decided to use an XR8038 as my VCO. If I wanted to add a tuning modifier would this configuration I made be okay? P.S. Would I need to attach ...
CluelessButCurious's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

XR-2206 as a VCO for a synth

I was wondering if the XR-2206's pitch was controlled by It's Vcc or by it's RA? Im a little confused when it comes to how I would get the output from a keyboard(after it is changed to voltage) to ...
CluelessButCurious's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

Design for an analogue oscillator that doesn't drift in frequency?

VCOs (Voltage Controlled Oscillators) in analogue music synthesizers are notorious for drifting with temperature. What design solutions are there for an analogue audio VCO that keeps close (as in ...
Rob Kam's user avatar
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