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The arrangement of pins and their functions on a device
How do I wire a 9 pin serial connector into a RJ11 4pin connector?
You may be able to trace the connections out on the board. If it goes to a standard RS-232 interface chip such as a MAX232 or MC1488/9 then you have at least part of the answer.
If it's a 3-wire int …
Why are "ice cube" PCB mount power relays pinned out so that the COM pin is between the coil...
It's sub-optimal internally (electrically) as well as externally (pinout). The coil-to-contact breakdown voltage and capacitance is inferior to that of better relays. …
Is Texas Instrument wrong with their pin number on TO-92 package?
For what it's worth, alternate sources of the LM385 et al may disagree on what number to use for a given pin, but they certainly agree on the pinout, however you number them. …
Is IC power pin position (V+ / V-) for a package mostly standardized for opamps, comparators...
The most common pinout for SO14/DIP14 is pin 4 for + and pin 11 for - (opposite of what you wrote). … In any case, though, you should always read the specific datasheets and ensure all the parameters are okay (including pinout) before making a substitution. …
How to identify pinout of 7 segment display when data for it is not available online?
You can find the pinout here. I found this from the MANXXX part number, which is obsolete and a current cross-reference from Liton. …
SSP1117-5.0V Fin connected?
I am 99.99% sure that it's connected to Vout, like every other xxx1117 regulator out there.
You should connect the tab to a large area of copper if the regulator is to dissipate much heat, since the …
LM317T with weird pinout?
Neither of your circuits is correct. The correct circuit looks like this:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
If you connect it incorrectly (as in the first circuit) …
Polarity Markings in Relay Datasheets
My expectation is that they are all the same. There is no percentage in a manufacturer making theirs incompatible. 1 is positive relative to 8 when the relay is energized. Contacts are shown in the de …
Is an RST pin the same as a microcontroller NRST pin?
NRST is just a shorthand way of indicating that the reset pin is active-low (negative-RESET) since it's not always easy to create the word with a line over it. Your MCU symbol is actually a bit confus …
How to read MCU schematic and map each pin correctly
The hardware designer should be giving you (a lot) more information. At least something like a block diagram, and a description of how each pin should interact with the external hardware.
As a hint, t …
STM32 - While using SPI in write-only mode (MOSI), assign MISO pin to GPIO
The key is in SPI_CR1 bits 15 and 14, which, by my reading, you should set to 1 (bidirectional mode) and 1 (output enabled), respectively.
I'm not convinced it's correct (I think it isn't), but here i …
Datasheet for a DU1PU relay?
Be sure to double-check this pinout with a multimeter before depending on it. …
I need a quad NOR gate that is pinned out like a quad AND gate? Is there a good way to searc...
I doubt any such database exists (finding it and searching it sounds like a lot of work), but if you (skillfully) do a parametric search, there are very few families to search in so it only takes a co …
How to use this latching relay to simulate button press?
Probably you want do do something like this:-
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The pin diagram is clearly shown on the datasheet:
Note that (for historical reasons) the p …
How to identify pinouts of my transformer with (2 +3) wire on primary side and (2+2)wire on ...
For international use, mains transformers would typically accommodate 100VAC/120VAC/240VAC, maybe with 115 or 230VAC, so I would expect the primary taps to reflect that. Hopefully you made note of whi …