I want to program an ATTiny microcontroller using an Arduino Uno board via AVRdude. According to the Arduino Uno schematic, there is a direct line from the USB controller to the ICSP1 header:
I connected the wires from the icsp header (also removed the ATMEGA328P chip) to my breadboard and then to the attiny chip, then ran this command:
$ ./avrdude -p t13 -c arduino -P com3
I also tried -c avrisp
However, there is no response. I'm sure the port is com3, because I can read the ATMEGA328P using com3 on avrdude.
Is there anything else I need to set to be able to program the attiny with avrdude?
-c programmer
as). I burnt Arduino as ISP onto the board and connected the wires up as Conner shows, but with no connection. If you have any links on that it would be great \$\endgroup\$$(AVRBIN)/avrdude -C $(AVRBIN)/../etc/avrdude.conf -q -q -cstk500v1 -P$(TTY) -b19200 -p t13 -Uflash:w:something.hex
where the $ denotes system-specific variables. \$\endgroup\$