I've recently been looking into passive filter design a little more closely than my classes have gone into, so far as actual component selection and design are concerned. The biggest sticking point for me has been understanding how to gauge Q, specifically for hand wound toroidal inductors.
I understand Q is the reactance over the resistance, and is only valid for a specific frequency. The reactance is a fairly simple equation for a toroid, but I can't seem to find any discussion of how to determine R. All sites that I've found talking about inductors and Q factor only mention that it's a complicated value that has to take into account skin depth, eddy currents and hysteresis losses, but there is never any way given to estimate it nor is any method discussed so far as I've seen. All the responses here to similar questions unilaterally say to refer to the datasheet, but with a hand wound inductor, those are in short supply.
Furthermore, how much Q do I need for an inductor in a filter? From what I've seen higher Q leads to more efficiency, but how much Q is enough to provide acceptable losses?