I'm suffering from a bit of confusion here and I was hoping that some kind soul here would be able to help me out. I want to build a small DC motor circuit just for fun, but I can't understand some aspects of the circuit (shown in the picture below)
So basically I understand that Ic = Beta * Ib. Thus (assuming that D3 is 3.3 V and Beta is around 100), I can say that Ic = 100*(3.3/1000) = 0.33 Amps.
Then, in order to find the voltage available to the motor, I must find the voltage drop across the 33 Ohm resistor and subtract that from my power rail voltage (5 V).
So 5V - (0.33)(33) = 5V - 10.89V
Which is quite clearly ludicrous. Can anybody quickly explain to me the fault in my reasoning? I'd really appreciate it.
So 5V - (0.33)(33) = 5V - 10.89V
this got me as a newbie as well. 0.33A is only the maximum current that can flow through the transistor. In your circuit the maximum current will be certainly not exceeding 0.15A (5V/33Ohms ≈ 0.15A). \$\endgroup\$