1) I am working on a problem, the emulation of which requires me to setup a wireless mesh network with various nodes.
2) A node is a collection on an Arduino Uno board with a 433 MHz Transreceiver modules. (I received a partial setup on my taking over of the problem).
3) In order to expand the network, I wanted to buy some additional RF modules so I stumbled across these types
A. https://www.amazon.com/433Mhz-Transmitter-Receiver-Link-Arduino/dp/B016V18KZ8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1470286538&sr=8-2&keywords=433+RF+module (Call it the 4 pin receiver, say)
B. https://www.amazon.com/Geeetech-433Mhz-Transmitter-Receiver-Experiment/dp/B00AMB3NCY/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1470286606&sr=8-14&keywords=RF+module (Call it the 8 pin receiver, say)
4) The setup I had, had the B type RF modules working perfectly fine.
5) I then got a few more type A's thinking they would work but what I realised that the receiver modules of the type A's weren't as fast as receiving closely spaced transmission (100ms apart). On increasing the gap to about 800ms they worked fine. I checked this on all 4 that I got just to make sure that there wasn't a hardware fault in any.
6) The transmitters however worked okay.
So my question is, is there a fundamental difference between the two types, or was my experience due to the specific product that i received (implying a different manufacturers' product would possibly may have given me desired result)??