OK, guys - I'm pretty confused here.
I bought a cheap wireless mouse to gut and use in a project. Right now I'm trying to get the rotary encoder behaving, but (while it IS behaving) it's behaving oddly. If we call the pins 1, 2, and 3, in the mouse circuit board, 1 is joined in a solder blob with the casing, and that's all tied to +3v. 2 and 3 and hooked to individual pins on the IC.
I'm trying to figure out the pattern for the encoder so I can detect which way it's spinning, but that's where I'm getting confused. If I measure the resistance between 1 and 2, it alternates every "click" of the encoder/mouse wheel. However, when I measure the resistance between 1 and 3, it toggles the exact same. The resistance between 2 and 3 toggles the exact same as well. I would I expect one of the pins to be "on" for 2 clicks and "off" for 2 clicks to provide 4 unique "addresses" on the encoder, but that's not happening.
Am I missing something? Suggestions welcome.