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Questions tagged [rotary]

Characterized by circular movement around an axis, as opposed to linear movement along a line.

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Rotary switch configuration

I have 6 power supplies that I need to select in 3 groups. Each of these 6 outputs will go to a different pin based on the group selected: Let’s call them group A, B, & C. And power supply 1-6. ...
The Don's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How does the common pins on rotary DIP switches work

I am having trouble understanding how the pins are connected in rotary DIP switches, specifically this one. My interpretation is that 4 separate inputs are connected to pins 1,2,4 and 8 and based on ...
zoghii's user avatar
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1 answer

Need help identifying a rotary switch component

I've tried all kinds of rotary encoders and rotary switches, but none seem to match this one exactly. It is from an old car radio (many radios have them). When rotated, the current flows through one ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Component in proteus

I want to make a rotary encoder in proteus since I don't have it in my proteus library but I can't find the schematic for it i dont know the components and layout needed to make it https://uk.farnell....
zug's user avatar
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3 answers

Has any design successfully used rolling element bearings to conduct current reliably?

I am curious about using a rolling element bearing (several) to deliver either signals, processing power, or even drive power to a rotating shaft. As I understand, all bearing manufacturers discuss ...
J Collins's user avatar
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2 answers

Standard Imperial and Standard Metric for rotary switches

I have been researching about rotary switches, I was confused when I read in a datasheet that has standard imperial and standard metric. Can anybody please explain to me what is the difference between ...
Teach Suppors's user avatar
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Limit Switch vs Rotary Encoder

I have a DC motor which rotates between position A and position B. These positions define the complete range over which the motor will rotate over. In general, these positions are more than one full ...
testing09's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How do I communicate between a rotary and stationary part? (on a hobbyist level)

I'm trying to get into PCB design and I'm very new to all of this. I tried doing some research myself but couldn't find anything practical as it'd be too large/expensive. The thing I'm trying to make ...
NoobKing767's user avatar
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Torque in kg·cm vs N·cm (servo vs rotary switch)

I don't understand the different specifications of the maximum force of a servo motor vs the torque of a rotary switch. In the following example, there is a servo spec'ed at "Maximum Torque at 6V:...
0__'s user avatar
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Gast 3/4 HP Rotary Vane Pump Diagram Assistance

I was hoping to get some input on how to interpret this wiring diagram for this 3/4 HP dual voltage vacuum/compressor pump. I'm new to this, and all of the wiring diagram tutorials I see appear ...
Noah B17's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How can I avoid twisting wires in a circuit that rotates?

I am working on a project where I used a hollow pipe whose one end has a circuit board so that the wires will go through the pipe to the other end completing the connections. That pipe has to be ...
Vinayak Rastogi's user avatar
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What happens if you energize multiple inputs of a transformer

I'm trying to automate an exhaust fan by using this ESPHome-driven relay: I've got the relay setup working and now I'm puzzling over the actual AC motor control unit. The unit is Sentera STR-1. The ...
Lightheaded's user avatar
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Counting rotations of plastic and metal plate

I have a thin (~1-2mm) rotating plate, where one side is made of metal and one side is made of red plastic and I want to count the number of rotations it makes. The plastic and metal plate are housed ...
Actros's user avatar
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3 answers

wire rotary switch with leds that turn one at a time

I have a 9V battery, a rotary switch (one pole, 5 positions), and yellow LEDs (2V drop). How can I wire it so that as I rotate the switch the LEDs turn and stay on until I reach the end of the switch? ...
Afff's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How do I clean a badly corroded, jammed rotary switch with 12 position and 4 decks?

The 12-position 4-decked rotary switch on this Roland Re-201 dating back to the '70s or the '80s is completely stuck and won't move at all due to corrosion. The wafers on it's decks seem phenolic. The ...
philosyche's user avatar
2 votes
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Power supply to a sensor to be mounted on a shaft rotating at >1000 RPM

My project involves mounting an ultrasonic transducer on a shaft rotating at >1000 RPM. What possibilities exist to supply power to the transducer? I cannot use slip rings because slip rings need ...
Ashams Thomas's user avatar
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Strange quadrature encoder signal

I have an inexpensive 600 PPR rotary encoder, like these ones found on Amazon. It is powered by a 5V pin of an Arduino Uno. I was unable to detect any rising edges on the signal pins and they never ...
ennam's user avatar
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Rotary switch to momentary switch

I have a rotary step switch (something like that:
Belgadon's user avatar
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Hardware filter for a rotary encoder using a resistor between pullup resistor and debouncing capacitor?

I want to implement a debouncing filter for this rotary encoder. I understand the use of the pull up resistor (avoid floating state) and the capacitor (debounce the mechanical switch). However, I can'...
user3138306's user avatar
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Rotary Potentiometer Switch Options

I'm looking for a rotary potentiometer that comes with a momentary push switch. I came across this Bourns PTR90 potentiometer with rotary switch and I'm wondering how does the rotary switch works? It ...
cy1125's user avatar
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Question based on rotary potentiometer and resolution

Can anyone help me how to come up with this question's solution? Question: A rotary potentiometer consists of a fine wire wound on a circular former, whose inner diameter is 2.5 cm. The resolution in ...
Techilluminati's user avatar
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Three-phase rotary converter wiring questions

I am installing a 30 HP three-phase rotary converter on a 200 amp service in my home shop. I intend to run a CNC milling machine with a 15 HP motor. I am using 2 AWG wiring in 1" shielded conduit ...
Han Yolo's user avatar
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How does a "pulse dialer" (e.g. IN9151) internally work?

I'm wondering how a so called "pulse dialer" like the IN9151 ( internally works, meaning how it is achieved to ...
mythbu's user avatar
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Rotary encoder Grayhill SERIES 26 pinout

I can't figure out how this rotary encoder works. What's the Vcc and GND? The technical sheet is attached here but it does not say anything about how to wire it
bjornsing's user avatar
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Why does a rotating magnetic field's frequency decrease, if we increase number of poles (induction motor)?

I absolutely don't understand it and drives me crazy. I've found several sources, in which there are shown images and animations about how two or three phase electric current generate rotating ...
Bálint Tatai's user avatar
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Motorized rotary switch

Motorized potentiometers are easy to find and often used e.g. in music studio equipment, but I could need a similarly motorized rotary switch for a project. I am either searching for the wrong term (...
jarnbjo's user avatar
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KY040 rotary encoder weird waveform

Edit: Figured it out. I posted answer. I have a KY040 rotary encoder hooked up to a 5V source, and the oscilloscope hooked up to the CLK output. When I turn the encoder, CLK goes low as you can see ...
Guy Bartkus's user avatar
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Reading a rotary encoder using a microcontroller and converting to Serial TTL?

I have an incremental rotary encoder (Bournes-EMS22Q) that I would like to have available on a wired network via RJ45 or via serial TTL (we have a serial-to-ethernet converter we can use Netburner ...
AVD's user avatar
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Detecting rotation from a fixed sensor

I am looking for a way how to detect the rotation of an object that is hanging from the ceiling, attached with a rope. Since the object can freely rotate for many revolutions (until the rope is too ...
Passiday's user avatar
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Stepper motor resolution calculation

I am not familiar on how to calculate the stepper motor resolution to operate with multi-turn absolute rotary encoder. Stepper motor details as follows, Total step - 600; speed - 160 pps; Motor type ...
Sasi's user avatar
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Rotary potentiometer angle to voltage relation

I have a 10k rotary potentiometer which turns from 0° to 270°. I wire it to an Arduino with the middle pin (2) connected to an analog input (A0) and the other two pins (1 and 3) connected to 5V and ...
Kyriafinis Vasilis's user avatar
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3 answers

Determine angular position from two potentiometers

I am trying to generate a continuous angle based on the output of the two potentiometers that are inside my device. The pots are shifted by 180 degrees and are capable of spinning continuously. How ...
Akash Hegde's user avatar
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Scrolling wheel encoder with button push button action into wheel axis

I am looking for a wheel that you can push into as a button as well as scroll indefinitely in either direction. Here's the exact part I am talking about. I'm not sure exactly what it is called. The ...
Andrew Epifano's user avatar
2 votes
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Help identifying pins in EVQV9C00116E rotary encoder

I'm trying to make a button box for a sim racing rig and need a few rotary encoders for menu browsing. I plan to connect it to an arduino but I can't seem to figure out how to wire things up. I have ...
Gpena3's user avatar
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Invert or turn Aux Signal mono using Rotary Switch

Is it possible to use a 3 Pole 4 Position rotary Switch to do the following on the respective positions: Send the Aux signal through normally Invert Left and Right Send the Left Signal to both ...
Roman Stadler's user avatar
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Understanding a rotary switch voltage rating

I am continuing work on designing a vacuum tube tester and curve tracer. I have described part of the challenge in this question: Designing an analog high voltage multiplexer The component I'm ...
Luca Fascione's user avatar
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Rotary switch to turn LEDs on cumulatively

Problem: I have a 12 position rotary switch and 11 LEDs that I want to switch on one after the other until they are all on (on pos 12). Limitations: It would be easy to use a μC, but I wanted to keep ...
elpoto's user avatar
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High resolution angular position (~0.5 degree) measurement [duplicate]

I am attempting to replace a light/mirror sensor to measure the slight low speed oscillations/ rotations of a disc over a period of time. I want to record the angular position, but I wanted to find a ...
sirlyidk's user avatar
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Does potentiometer accuracy change with degree of movement?

I want to use a conductive plastic potentiometer for my actuator application where movement is +/- 40 degrees. As in datasheet, the potentiometer linearity is given as +/-0.2 % which I think is for ...
Dinesh Dangi's user avatar
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Rotary Encoders

I am trying to find a replacement for an obsolete encoder. I thought I had found a good replacement, hiwever the unit increments up when turned both ways, instead of up for right and down for left. ...
Kruya's user avatar
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DIY rotary inverter technical and economical feasibility

I’m setting up a solar panel system (200W) that’s used to charge batteries that will power small appliances in a converted van. Solid state inverters are expensive and difficult to fix and it seems ...
shoe's user avatar
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Receive same GPIO input signal on multiple raspberry's from one source

I'm having 7 raspberry Pi's 3 connected to 7 screens, running an python 2.7 app to download different images from google drive, every raspberry has different images. Geeqie is displaying those images ...
BramscoChill's user avatar
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How would I use a rotary encoder without housing?

I'm looking to buy a rotary encoder and I've stumbled upon this: which I assume is an encoder stripped of its housing. My question is how would I use it? There is no shaft to turn, so I'm assuming I ...
Mateusz Michał Marecki's user avatar
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How to handle rotary encoder overflow

I am using a magnetic rotary encoder(AS5048B) to detect the rotation angle of a motor shaft. This is fed to a pid loop to calculate the PWM value for motor position control. The encoder has a 14Bit ...
Supreeth's user avatar
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How do memory seats keep track of their position?

I was wondering how do memory seats keep track of their position. Since this kind of equipment existed in 1990's cars, it must be simple yet ingenious. I have been thinking about this for quite a time ...
Doc47's user avatar
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What do the pins mean on this rotary encoder?

I'm trying to repair a speaker of mine (old AudioEngine A5). The encoder that controls the volume is not working properly and turning the volume up REALLY loud sometimes when you touch it. I had some ...
AndrewVos's user avatar
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Determining optical rotary encoder RPM

I hope the first part of this question isn't too physics based for this forum but I am trying to use an optical rotary mask encoder such as this one (Optical Encoder Pair Kit) to determine the RPM of ...
Blargian's user avatar
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Rotary switch that changes resistance on each click?

I am trying to create controller for my car head unit as it lacks a volume knob amongst other things. I have worked out that when tapping onto the control pin I can "send" commands by applying a ...
user857359's user avatar
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How to calculate RPM, given timer frequency and counter on STM32

on my STM32F103, I use a timer to read rotary encoder Prescaler = 71 Period = 20 Clock = 72MHz Rotary encoder: 2000 ppr Given the formula: TIMUpdateFrequency(Hz)=Clock/((PSC−1)∗(Period−1)) I ...
vib's user avatar
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Arduino reading double-din radio volume rotary dial knob [closed]

Hey all I bought a Chinese double din radio in order to modify it to my liking. The main reason why i went with this one is that it had a few buttons and turn knobs on the front and i wanted to use an ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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