I can see you are not really progressing via the comments so take the example of an RL high pass filter like this: -
I can see from the position of \$\omega\$ in your formula that you have the equivalent of a high pass RL filter and the transfer function is: -
H(s) = \$\dfrac{sL}{R+sL}\$ = \$\dfrac{1}{1+\frac{R}{sL}}\$
In \$j\omega\$ terms it is: -
H(jw) = \$\dfrac{1}{1-j\frac{R}{\omega L}}\$
And is in the same form as the equation in the question.
I know from experience that the 3 dB point occurs when the denominator's real and imaginery terms are magnitude-equal so, in your example, the frequency of the 3 dB point is \$\omega\$ = 250.
Equating those terms is the same as equating the magnitude of R and the magnitude of \$\omega L\$ in my RL circuit.
For an RC circuit it would be when R = \$\dfrac{1}{\omega C}\$.
If you want to think of it another way you could vectorially add 1 and 250/w in the denominator and equate it to the 3 dB point amplitude (\$\dfrac{1}{\sqrt2}\$) denominator.
So \$\sqrt{1^2 + \frac{250^2}{\omega^2}}\$ = \$\sqrt2\$
If you follow it through to the end, \$\omega\$ = 250.
is... \$\endgroup\$dB
? \$\endgroup\$