I went to http://www.elm-chan.org/docs/lcd/hd44780_e.html in an attempt to find out how to make an LCD module work with the shortest timings. While the site does help with the initialization of the LCD, I feel as if it is not helping me enough.
Various sources state that for each LCD command or data processed, there is roughly a 40uS to 1.7mS delay before the command is complete.
The website mentions that I could poll the busy flag on the LCD but that would be too long of a delay (Its mentioned under the CPU load heading on the site).
So what I want to do is create a fixed delay in software so that the software continues to function even if the LCD gets disconnected from the circuit during operation.
The question is, where exactly do I implement the long microsecond delay in the code?
Do I insert the delay after I set enable to high (where green question mark is) or do I insert the delay after I set enable to low (where blue question mark is)?
I think its the latter, but I want to make sure.