First question in this community, and I'm a beginner when it comes to circuits. In Ben Eater's video on using an EEPROM for combinational logic, he uses the output of an EEPROM to drive a common anode seven-segment display. It doesn't really seem like it should work the way it does, however.
Here's the setup in question (at the correct timestamp):
The way I understand common anode to work is that a given segment of the display will only light up if it has a path to ground. In this setup, it looks like every segment has a path to ground from the white wires, through the LEDs, and to the resistors. But when the EEPROM is outputting high on a given bit, somehow the path to ground for that segment is blocked. Isn't there still a path to ground for that segment, though?
Would this be a correct representation of the circuit? The EEPROM essentially acts like a switch, so if it's open, all current travels through the segment of the LED. If it's closed, then the voltage at both junctions of the segment circuit are at the same voltage, so no current flows through that segment. That would make sense.