I'm no expert in high frequency. But probably it is no good idea to change the adapters sitting on type N female output on and on as a torque wrench is used to fix them.
But I have to make measurements where often a amplifier or bias tee is connected betwenn a rf-probe and a signal generator or vector network analyzer. The rf-probes have 2.92mm K connectors, the devices (bias tee, amplifier) often SMA.
Now the probe vendor says that SMA cables/connectors damage the K-connector on rf-Probe.
As I want to use the expensive low loss cables maybe also in future up to 40 GHz, currently only 1-10 GHz, I'm wondering what is the right handling here? I also want to prevent to much insertion losses by many connector adapters. The money is not really the problem of if an adapter costs 100-200€
What do you suggest here? Combining SMA and K cables with adapters or changing the test device adapters (N to SMA/K) on and on (probably 100-200 times a year? Are there adapters or products I missed that could help me?