
I have the following digital plant:


enter image description here

I want to use root locus to design a system with:

(1) position error=0;

(2) overshoot \$\leq 10\%\$

(3) settling time \$\leq\$ 5 seconds

(4) rise time as small as possible

I made the design manually:

Calculations done so far:

The overshoot requirement leads to \$ \zeta \geq 0.6 \$,

\$t_s=\cfrac{4.5}{|\sigma|}\Rightarrow |\sigma|\geq \cfrac{4.5}{5}=0.9\$

Unitary circle centered in the origin with radius of \$e^{-0.9T}\$. If T=1, the radius is \$e^{-0.9}\approx 0.41\$.


Zero: z=-1

Poles: z=0.3; z=1

Break point:

\$N'D-ND'=0 \Leftrightarrow -z^2-2z+1.6=0\leftrightarrow z\approx 0.612 \vee z=-2.612\$

enter image description here

I need to determine \$h\$, so I have to determine \$z_h\$. How could I determine \$h\$ in Scilab?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Sorry, but I could not follow at all. How can this be \$ -\cfrac{1}{h}=\cfrac{z+1}{(z-0.3)(z-1)}\$ ? I mean the is no real number \$ h \$ to get this result. Is \$ h\$ some sort of gain? Are you looking for the gain that makes the root locus position the poles at a certain position? \$\endgroup\$
    – jDAQ
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 19:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ @jDAQ \$h\$ is a gain. I put a diagram in the post to exemplify. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 20:17

1 Answer 1


Using the following code we can obtain the path the poles go as you change k.

G = poly([-1],'z')/poly([0.3 1],'z');


y = [];
for k = logspace(-2,1,1000)
    y = [y abs(roots((k*G/(1+k*G)).den))];


//pick here your optimal gain
L = 0.5*G;
L = L/(1+L);
t = 0:21;

module of the poles in function of k

module of the poles in function of k.

root locus

root locus of the system.

If you manually/algorithmically search the path in \$ y\$ you will be able to find the \$ k \$ that minimizes the time, for that you don't have to just to minimize \$ |\sigma|\$ but also get it to be near the minimum damping \$ \zeta = 0.6\$. And get a result similar to

discrete step response


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