I'm looking to create a microcontroller that would allow me to drive my ceiling lamp that is controlled by 2.4GHz remote. The end goal is to integrate it with home automation tools, and forget about extra remote.
I used SDR radio (hackrf one) to get a better understanding on the communication. Given that the lamp was pretty cheap I didn't expect it to be a complex protocol. I found following things:
- The remote always uses the same frequency for communication (2.449 GHz)
- The remote codes doesn't change over time (I can drive the lamp from my SDR using my records with no problem)
- The remote codes/waves seems to be fairly simple (see images later).
And now I come to a problem how do I replicate this signal? Something that will work best for me is what type of modules (ideally playing well with esp/arduino) should I be looking for?
Having no experience with wireless communication I wrongly assumed that I'll be able to hook up e.g. nRF24L01+ module to esp32 and just do something like delay(16); rf.high(); delay( 16 ); rf.low();
. However, after reading about this particular radio module it turned out it has a fixed communication protocol which won't fit this purpose.
For a reference I'll put sniffed code visualization taken with GNU Radio and imported to Audacity for visualization: