Initially I was designing a relay controller for lower powered relay, but since I could not find the optocoupler that is rated for my application, I turned to MOSFETs. and it so happens that the logic level MOSFETs I find are way overkill for my application.
Since the FETs I am using can do more than my original target, I decided to upgrade my circuit so that I may use it again in the future more versatility.
So here is what I have so far, I decided to use 2 out 4 channels of my controller using NMOS and the other 2 using PMOS. I did this because I thought in the future if I ever need it to power something else that needs to be referenced to the same ground. Although this might not happen but why not when you can.
The FETs I am planning to use are the:
- NMOS - CSD88539ND
- PMOS - FDS8935
Here is basically how each channel would look like in the schematic:
I have decided that the absolute limit that my controller should carry is 50V 1A DC. I don't know if relays like that even exist, but nonetheless that is my target. What other things I should look out for when powering this big of a load relay? Is there a chance that that power might surge back to GPIO pins?