I have always this mindset that to drive a MOSFET you have to apply a certain voltage to the gate of the mosfet to turn it "on" But it would seem that it not entirely true, you have to apply a certain voltage into the gate with reference to the source pin not necessarily the ground pin (correct me if im wrong).
For situations stated below i will use the two ADVERTISED as LOGIC LEVEL MOSFETS the BUK9134(NMOS) and FDS8935 (PMOS)
When both used as a switch the NMOS is pretty much staight forward, because NMOS is typically used as a low-side switch a logic-level NMOS like mention above will always turn on at logic 5v HIGH because the gate pin is referenced to the SOURCE pin which is connected directly to ground(which the Logic ground is also referenced). So no matter what voltage that im switching the mosfet will turn on and off with my logic singal. (Again correct me when im wrong about something)
Here is where im confused about. PMOS on the other hand Works the same As NMOS but when used as a typical high side switch the Source pin is not connected to ground but to Vcc!.
Now at logic 5v high my mosfet will probably gget destroyed because the voltage at the gate (referenced to source) will be -45v which is waaay past the +- 20. Now thats not ideal since the the highest i can run it with my 5v logic is 20v way below its rated 80v. If that is so why advertise PMOS's as "logic level gate" (Digi-Key) when with common logic levels i wont be able to use it properly on high voltages(or currents). Is there a trick that i dont know off to drive it at logic level ?? Pulling it up to source voltage seems also not ideal because for example of the IC i mention if my source voltage is 50 the voltage at the gate is 50v witch is beyond its capability of +-20v.