Internet search for LM317 power supply schematic, and you will get hundreds of schematics. The basic plan is a transformer that steps 240 Vac down to 85 Vac to 95 Vac, followed by a bridge rectifier, filter capacitor, and LM317 linear regulator circuit. It's all in the LM317 datasheet. Also, there are many regulator modules on ebay, Amazon, and Alibaba.
Update: To be more clear, the standard LM317 can withstand 43 V from its input to its output. With a regulated output of 100 V, the input can be anything up to 143 Vpeak. Assuming a voltage drop through two diodes in the bridge, this limits the transformer secondary's RMS voltage to a maximum of 102 Vrms.
HEY - ! When I wrote this, the adjustment range was 10 V, not 100 V.