I want to sniff data from a CAN Bus where are nodes using these parts:
1 - 18F24K20 - Microcontroller
2 - VP233 - CAN Transceiver
3 - 78L33A - Voltage Regulator
These nodes are sensors that detect yarn feeding into textile machines. https://www.dinema.it/uploads/2016-8-3/1-39-DIN-Electronics-SPYDER.pdf
I took some measurements at CANH and CANL but only got this, which doesn't seems right to me, since it is only about a few bits and a Data Frame has a lot more information than that.
I also uploaded a video on youtube of a recording of my screen. The signal was measured using a Hantek6022BE
Analyzing this image I see roughly 6.5 bits during the period of 20 us resulting in a frequency of 325 kHz.
I'm using a USBCAN-I that has an auto-scan to detect baud rate, but it can't detect any frequency on this bus
What does this signal I measure with the scope means?
I was expecting something like this on the scope: