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Questions tagged [logic-analyzer]

A logic analyzer is an electronic instrument which visualizes a set of digital signal across time. It can only display logic levels and their transitions, not analog levels.

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Connecting logic analyzer to PC and a device with another power source

I have a device that gets the power signal of 12 V but the 2 data pins that I want to measure are 5 V. Is it safe to connect a logic analyzer to my PC while measuring Wiegand signals generated by a ...
user466575's user avatar
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The issue with sending a message over UART

I'm trying to track a signal coming to my microcontroller, but I ran into an issue where the USB-UART converter only sends the signal from the PC when the UART is not connected to the microcontroller, ...
RUMBUFDSI's user avatar
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Questions About Logic Analyzers: Mixing Digital and Analog Signals

I recently became interested in logic analyzers, particularly those like the Saleae models that can sample both digital and analog signals on the same channel. I understand that for analog signals, an ...
ZEPHYRUS SUTDIO's user avatar
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Logic Analyzer results on FPGA signal to AT25SF081 SPI Flash

I am again looking at the operation Figure 11-1 Read Manufacturer and Device ID Signal; however, do note that in the example below, I make no effort to read the MISO...
K_T's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Need help in identifying and learning to identify this unknown protocol, which has a good chance to be proprietary to the hardware I'm analyzing

I am re-purposing the metal case of old industrial laptop, it would be nice to keep current touchpad, because it's glued to the case AND because I'm having fun trying to convert it to my purpose. Here ...
Wandering's user avatar
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Bypassing a filament cartridge chip / Logic analyzer expert needed!

I have a 3D printer from a manufacturer that has discontinued their PLA filament cartridges. These cartridges were equipped with a chip that seemed to track filament usage. The printer, one of their ...
user55272's user avatar
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How to display Wavegen output along with the scope, in AD2 using Waveforms?

I have an Analog Discovery 2, and am using it to study a couple of analog filters. I've created a sine signal from the Wavegen tool, and am probing the output on both the Oscilloscope channels. From ...
eccentricOrange's user avatar
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2 answers

Oscilloscope or Logic Analyzer for Studying Serial Communication? [closed]

I have been programming microcontrollers with serial interfaces (the usual: I2C, SPI and UART) mostly for learning purposes and would like to see the signals, if they conform to the timing diagrams in ...
First User's user avatar
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Help identifying protocol for Midea AC daughter PCB communication

I have a basic Midea AC unit that lacks Wi-Fi connectivity, and I'm interested in making it smart. It consists of a main PCB, which I prefer not to tamper with, and a smaller daughter PCB responsible ...
Raphael Chicon's user avatar
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How to identify protocol of unknown 7 segment display chip?

I'm trying out logic analyser with digital clock I have laying around. The clock uses 7 segment display (4 digits) and consists of two parts: display with unknown chip inside and main board with two ...
Leo's user avatar
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Help decoding unknown data stream

I'm currently diving into the task of cracking the data stream protocol for a generator control system. There's this setup with a control box sitting next to the generator, and a remote switch in the ...
JCorradoIII's user avatar
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Decoding Bit Rate Information for an LED Project Using a Logic Analyzer

I am currently working on a project where I'm trying to understand and decode the bit rate information being sent to an LED. I purchased an LED for my backyard that can be changed to different colors ...
Corbin's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to measure analog signals using cheap logic analyser? [closed]

I am using cheap logic analyzer with 8 channels, 1 CLK channel and GND. I am also using Logic2 software by Saleae and would like to know if it is possible to capture analog signals, like Sin wave? I ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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How do I figure out what these ack signals mean?

I am trying to get the data from a rangefinder and an HT1621 LCD driver. I have set up a logic analyzer that uses an I2C analyzer. I am receiving all of these signals but frankly don't know where to ...
BigMac's user avatar
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MSP430 I2C communication no ACK

I'm trying to get I2C working with the MSP4302231 and had and still have some problems. The main problem is that I don't get an ACK from the slave to which I send its address on the I2C bus. Noticed ...
ulix's user avatar
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CAN-Bus Message confusion

Can anyone tell me what the difference between these two sets of CAN Bus messages? This is from the manual of a Power Drive Unit (PDU) in the Cargo Handling System of a 747F (UPS Freight). This is the ...
joel cox's user avatar
3 votes
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MPU6050 ESP32 No Acknowledge

I am struggling to get an acknowledge from the MPU6050 using ESP32 with Arduino framework. I am unable to derive if the problem is hardware or firmware. I have copied Sparkfun's breakout board ...
Will Powell's user avatar
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Signal not Showing State Changes on Intergrated Logic Analyser (Vivado)

I have been using the Integrated Logic Analyser (ILA) on Vivado 2021.2 to log some signals from a RISC-V processor running on an FPGA (BASYS 3 FPGA development board). The signals I am monitoring are ...
David777's user avatar
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How to record analog signal of a RS485 bus with a pocket Oscilloscope / Logic Analyzer with ADC (limited input voltage range with voltage divider?)?

I need to debug an RS485 bus (record analog signals) on a remote installation with a pocket Oscilloscope or Logic Analyzer. Can I simply use a voltage divider to bring down the RS485 signal to within ...
walfab's user avatar
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STM32 CANTX line always idle

I'm trying to learn about microcontrollers in general and at this point I'm trying to learn about the CAN bus standard by using it with an STM32 MCU in a NUCLEO-F767ZI board. For that end I want to ...
Hugo Pontes's user avatar
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How to repeat trigger in a logic analyzer

I'm using OpenBench Logic Sniffer (HW) with Sigrok PulseView (SW) to reverse engineer some binary UART communication between a control panel and the device. The trouble is that I can capture only 24k ...
MLu's user avatar
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4 votes
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Signal identification: What serial protocol does my desk use?

Can anybody identify what kind of signalling protocol this is? I'm sampling at 2 MHz. Here's the first falling edge of the signal, with a default UART protocol decoder for reference (8 bits, no parity,...
Alexander's user avatar
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K-line sniffing problem

I'm facing a problem while trying to check the communication between two devices talking over k-line ISO 14230-4 KWP protocol.I have two master devices and one slave device (i'm calling them master ...
Jwdsoft's user avatar
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USB-PD Packet Analyzer

I'm trying to design a USB-PD equipped board, and currently evaluating this Maxim eval board. I'm plugging in an USB-PD Charger and unable to see any PD activity when measuring with this sparkfun ...
topher217's user avatar
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Identifying Protocol Using a Logic Analyzer

I used a logic analyzer to read the data line from a small camera battery and would like to understand the authentication my camera is doing to the battery over the one data line. Is there any way to ...
Pete's user avatar
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4 answers

Reading CAN Bus without a ground [closed]

I need your help to find a transceiver that can read or write data on a CAN bus using only CANH and CANL, without the ground of the System I am connected to. Just to be clear, I need something that ...
Stefano Floridia's user avatar
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How to probe UART pins of a phone?

I'm gonna try to probe this phone for UART pins: I have a cheap logic analyzer and just bought really pointy probing pins (waiting to arrive), I also have ...
Rafaelo's user avatar
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2 answers

Logic analyzer gives me much more pulses than expected

Let me start the question by saying that I am using a logic analyzer for the first time, so I am probably doing something wrong. I sniffed the signal that goes to a speaker. The signal is probably PWM....
user1584421's user avatar
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SD Card Not Responding To Command 0 In SPI Mode

I am attempting to communicate with an SD card in SPI mode. I am running at 133kHz. I first send a hundred or so clock pulses over the course of a millisecond with the chip select signal high. I then ...
CompileYourCake's user avatar
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LHT00SU1 logic analyzer clock generator

I was using a LHT00SU1 logic analyzer and according to this it should have the capability to produce a variable frequency signal (i assume through the CLK pin). Using pulseview with fx2lafw firmware I ...
Paa's user avatar
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HX711 zero factor

I have three load cells (YZC-1B). These load cells' capacity is 50 kg. I guess I use Bogde's HX711 library. In monitor, the zero factor for the first two load cells is 8,000,000, but for the last load ...
buccno's user avatar
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Help explaining how signal is measured with no ground reference

The picture shows a car LED module that is controlled with a pulsed +12 V to change its brightness. I want to measure the range of this PWM using a cheap logic analyzer that I have but it can only ...
Fahad Alduraibi's user avatar
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How to read "inverted" uart signal

I have am experimenting with an MDB device. I have a simple setup, with an MDB master, and my own NXP EVK board which acts as slave. I started with just a logic analyzer, to verify that I see ...
bas's user avatar
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Flash SPI communication doesn't work without osciloscope

We are using W25Q128JV Flash IC in conjunction with nRF52 SoC. Datasheet of flash: We face following issue: SPI ...
Elvin Qasanov's user avatar
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Sniffing a CAN Bus with strange behavior

I want to sniff data from a CAN Bus where are nodes using these parts: 1 - 18F24K20 - Microcontroller 2 - VP233 - CAN Transceiver 3 - 78L33A - Voltage Regulator These nodes are sensors that detect ...
Diego Ramos's user avatar
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RS485 Reverse Engineering

I'm reversing a RS485 comunication. I have purchased a logical analyzer for reversing and sniffing the data packets. But i have a problem, don't knowing the exactly comunication parameters i can't &...
Oscar Di Manno's user avatar
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What is this Digilent Analog Discovery device doing in this experiment?

I'm a novice to electronics, and I was wondering if someone would clarify an experiment I just witnessed. A photodiode was set up to receive some signal. This signal is then read by a transimpedance ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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What logic analyzer specifications are needed to inspect HDMI 720p 60 Hz?

I would like to inspect the audio data islands of a 1280x720 progressive scan 60 Hz HDMI signal. I simply want to view these data islands to see exactly when audio data begins to be transported in the ...
Allen Pestaluky's user avatar
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Chipscope ILA unable to capture signals correctly

ALL the ILA modules that I am having now do not work . I mean they failed to even capture the user-assigned 'clk' and 'resetn' signals. Why ? Note: the PCB schematics could be found here
kevin998x's user avatar
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5 answers

Soldering connector on PCB to connect to logic analyser or scope

When it comes to digital circuits, it is often important to get certain internal design signals to an I/O pin and then view it on scope. This is in-spite of all the other techniques that exist to ...
gyuunyuu's user avatar
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High Speed Digital Signal Measurement

What is the best way to measure a 40 MHz clock signal? I tried using an oscilloscope with an 8pf passive probe, and the signal was unrecognizable. Would a logic analyzer work better in this case? ...
Analog's user avatar
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Logic analyzer interference when analyzing SPI bus

I'm trying to analyze SPI EEPROM with a logic analyzer. The logic analyzer is connected to the spi eeprom via ~20cm wires + SOIC8 Testing Clip (Only MOSI/MISO/CS/SCLK/GND are connected to the logic ...
WoltCage's user avatar
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CAN-BUS line goes bus off state at high temperature(70C°)

I have a CAN-BUS line communicating at 50kb/s speed. There are only 2 products communicating with each other on the CAN-BUS line. One of these products has the STM32L496RGT MCU (the clock speed of the ...
ali.ozkan's user avatar
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How to find and decode a particular protocol

I'm trying to understand what protocol is used on a particular device in order to decode it and send custom values. So far I was able to record the data with a logic analyzer but couldn't figure out ...
Jwdsoft's user avatar
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CAN Frame Malforming on Oscilloscope

I have a working 500kbps CAN bus between an Arduino Uno and a RaspberryPi. Both are connected to MCP2515/TJA1050 boards from Amazon and communicating over SPI. The RaspberryPi dumps the CAN data via ...
Manj Chana's user avatar
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Logic Analyzer with ground probe missing

I'm playing around with a USB logic analyzer (DSLogic Plus) to look at some RS232 signals. Everything seems to be working fine, but I just noticed that the probe to ground wasn't connected properly. ...
Michael Burr's user avatar
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Feasible to capture data to/from a 1970s RAM chip?

I have a 1978 Bally Playboy pinball machine. The processor is a 1Mhz 8-bit microprocessor Motorola 6800. I would like to build a way to extract/watch game state from outside of the machine. The best ...
Caesar Kabalan's user avatar
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How to identify an unknown protocol with a logic analyzer?

I have this Inbras electrolyte analyzer, a rebranded version of the same device manufactured by Diestro. It uses a PIC18F87K22 (master) which communicates with the sensor using a PIC12F629 (slave) ...
ablon's user avatar
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3 answers

What sample rate do I need to analyze usb 2 with a analyzer?

What is the sample rate needed for a logic analyzer to be able to analyze a 480 Mbps USB 2 bus?
codiac's user avatar
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Purpose of inverted channel for UART bus communication

I'd like to understand the purpose of an inverted logic channel on device-to-device communication that is being done via UART. For some background - I'm trying to reverse engineer this device-to-...
Naxin's user avatar
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