I understand that ADC sampling time is the ADC clock cycles for which the sample and hold capacitor is charged up to the channel input voltage. This is a configurable parameter and its value ranges between ns and us.
Let's say I want to read ADC samples for digital signal processing and want to acquire samples at a very specific rate, say 100Hz. I call this the sampling rate. In this case, would it be sufficient if I configure ADC sampling time to be 100Hz to get a sampling rate of 100Hz?
My understanding is that I should configure a timer at 100Hz and use it to trigger ADC conversion, but in this case, isn't it the actual time between two samples i.e the sampling interval would be (10ms(100Hz from sampling rate)+X ns(from samplingtime))?
I am using the ADC of an STM32F4 Discovery board, but my confusion remains the same for any other controller.
What do sampling time, sampling rate and sampling interval really mean?