I often design PCBs by pre-placing certain hierarchical blocks first. I pre-place multiple ones of these then choose one of them and start wiring things up inside it, adding the necessary local power "puddles" etc. At this point all the other blocks are un-routed and (possibly) have tons of violations, but I'm not interested in those just yet. I only want to check if DRs are satisfied within just this one block I'm currently working on.
Is it possible to run a DRC within a user-defined area of the PCB only? I.e. I'd like to run all DRCs, but not for the entire board, only a part of it. Anything outside this area should be ignored.
I'm not looking to create room-based rules -- this I know how to do. Instead, I'm trying to restrict the area (temporarily) in which the DRC is executed.
if withinroom('x') then skip all remaining DRC
but could not find any such mechanism. You'd have to modify basically every rule to have an additional truth condition that you could perhaps toggle with a project parameter. Not very convenient to say the least! \$\endgroup\$