As the title says, I want to know what could happen if you write too many time in one EEPROM address.
To be specific, I'm working on a microcontroller (STM32L072) and I saw a bit flip in EEPROM at a specific address (let's called it address X1).
During the investigation of the fault, I saw another fault: we write too many times (>100.000 times Cf datasheet) a byte next to address X1 (X1+1).
So my real question is: if I write too many times to a byte at an address, could that corrupt the byte at an adjacent address?
Edit after questions: The flip switched 1 to 0 at the address X1, and we write 0 to the address X1+1.
the address X1 is 0x08080061, and so the X1+1 is 0x08080062