Bought several tubes of 74LS00. We test the datasheet spec for VIH by sweeping one input from 0 V to 5 V while holding the other input at 5 V, and checking the output. Usually we expect to see a gradual transition in VOUT as VIN goes from 1.2 to 1.5 V. The datasheet guarantees VIH at 2 V minimum, meaning 2 V or higher should be treated as a logic high.
Instead we're seeing an abrupt transition at 2.5 V. 2.45 V consistently gives a high VOUT and 2.55 consistently gives a low VOUT. In other words, it's behaving exactly like a 74HC00. The output behavior under pull-down loads is also closer to what we typically see as 74HC00.
The chip is clearly labelled as 74LS00 but the logo is obscure. Is it possible someone is selling CMOS chips as low-power Schottky? Has anyone else seen this?
You might ask why we care and why we're buying ancient tech. They're for a lab where engineering students are asked to compare the measured performance of CMOS vs low-power Schottky, by rigorously following the datasheet test conditions. The whole exercise fails if the LS is really HC.