new to RF engineering.
I want to build a wideband bi-directional coupler because commercial ones are quite expensive. I decided to build one from two wideband directional couplers (SEDC-10-63+).
Directional couplers are 4 port devices, one being the isolated port. For the above coupler, the termination of the isolated port to 50 Ohm happened already internally, leaving me with three ports:
- Input
- Output
- Coupled
For a four port device I could chain two devices after another, terminating the corresponding port with 50 Ohms myself. However, I could not find non-terminated ones for such wide bands. So, as the termination has already taken place internally, I am wondering if I can do something like the following:
That is: Chaining two directional couplers output-to-output in order to build a bidirectional coupler.
My feeling says this should work, as Input and Output should be directly connected and the coupling itself exhibits directivity.
But I am very curious to hear if I am missing something here. Can you build bidirectional couplers like this?
Best regards, Marvin