I'd like to add some kind of illumination to the buttons on my project. To that end, I was thinking of illuminated pushbuttons, with built in LEDs. However, the ones I found are very big (I'm looking for small microswitches, or at the largest 6mmx6mm tactile switches) and/or they use 120V/240V neon bulbs, not LEDs, and are designed to switch mains.
I was also considering getting transparent switches (made of clear plastic of one form or another) and putting LEDs underneath them. The idea is that the project can be used at night so a green or orange colour would probably work well. Does anyone have experience with this, have you done something similar, what types of buttons did you use?
Something like these but with LEDs in them.
Please note I'm not looking for specific part numbers - those would be helpful though - but instead ideas on how to accomplish this and types of switches to be looking out for.