Here is what I have done... I simply copied the simple Arduino MPU6050 code from and pasted it in my arduino uno R3, which is interfaced with GY-521 IMU....
These are the values, which I'm getting...
InvenSense MPU-6050
June 2012
WHO_AM_I : 68, error = 0
PWR_MGMT_2 : 0, error = 0
Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1804, 1256, 15184
temperature: 27.329 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -4933, 3934, 490,
Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 5580, 1760, 14720
temperature: 27.047 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -4620, 3913, 428,
Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 3392, -84, 16828
temperature: 26.576 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -4559, 4073, 308,
Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 5672, 352, 10612
temperature: 26.765 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -4640, 3980, 364,
Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 4392, 1068, 13724
temperature: 27.000 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -4496, 3749, 380,
What I'm not able to figure out is that the values are either correct or not....and why is this having this much fluctuation... The sensor is kept on my bed @stationary and though, it has these values....
I can figure out that I temp value is somewhat correct, but what about the gyro and accel value....
Please, help me to sort out this....