simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I am using the emitter voltage to drive another transistor. But voltage is zero.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I am using the emitter voltage to drive another transistor. But voltage is zero.
4N25 and quite a few other opto devices have what is known as "current transfer ratio". For the 4N25 this is specified as being greater than 20%.
This means if you stuff 20mA into the diode, you should expect to see at least 4mA through the opto-transistor and your emitter resistor is 1k so you should see something like 4V or possibly a little greater.
If you are putting 10mA into it don't expect much above 2V on the emitter.
This is the table from the data sheet - note that there testing conditions are with collector-emitter voltage at 10V.
If you are not registering any voltage at the emitter, the diode could be broken - try measuring its volt drop after the resistor in series with it. Alternatively you may have connected it up incorrectly. Also check your 1k emitter resistor isn't something like 1 ohm and check your collector is at 5v.
If you implemented this very schematic, then your opto-isolator need to be replaced, because the LED inside is already burned.
And before switching ON the schematic next time, put a current limiting resistor in series with the input.