I signed up for a class on edX that involves microcontroller programming, and my kit arrived today so I wanted to start experimenting a bit, the only problem is, I have no clue how to connect the LaunchPad (TI Tiva C Series TM4C123GXL) to the breadboard. I was hoping to create a simple "traffic light" project, following Arduino Street Traffic Light - Breadboard Edition
The problem is that tutorial uses an Arduino. I see on the back of my LaunchPad there are several female headers marked PA#, PB#, PC#, PD#, PE#, PF#, 2 GNDs, RST, VBUS, and +3.3V.
I have a very (very) limited knowledge, so I know GND is ground and goes to the - column on the breadboard's voltage rail. Is there a difference which GND I connect? Do I need to connect the Reset, VBUS, or +3.3V pins? Are any of the P... pins similar to the digital out pins on the Arduino? I'm just trying to figure out which pins on the LaunchPad I need to connect to the breadboard.
I have extensive programming background, but hardware is a mythical beast to me, so if this should be obvious (or if what I was thinking is impossible) please forgive me.