I have PWM of very low frequency and very low duty cycle. And max voltage comes out are 3.3. But thats not enough to open the MOSFET's gate(IRFP250N). Now I want to amplify the voltage. I do not have op-amp right now. But I tried to use LM393P comparator but its seems too slow. So if I put LED direct to PWM output I can see it blinking but if I put it on output from comparator it stays on. So I assume comparator is not switching fast enough to make it blink.
Now, I'm thinking of using PNP transistor to switch on the MOSFET gate, but I'm not sure which one to buy ? or should I need to try something else ?
PS: I'm learning through internet and still very beginner. So I might have missed something.
Edit :
- PWM Frequency : 4Hz
- PWM DutyCycle : 2ms
- PWM Max Voltage : 3.3V
Edit 2 : For testing I used 12V instead of 200V.
And the test with LM393, the LED stays on, it doesn't blink. But if I turn off PWM, LED gets off too.