I haven't come across any mentions of signals running in parallel with power traces. Everyt mention thus far has been two signals to each other.
If I have a low amplitude signal (sinusoid < 10khz) (10 mil trace), lets just say its 1V, and its running in parallel (10 mils) with a 5V power trace (30 mils) and there is an ground plane directly below. What happens to my signal ? What happens to my power ?
A few scenarios
- Power trace feeds IC's directly
- Power trace feeds decoupling caps directly which were chosen as the typical 100nF value.
- Power traces feed decoupling caps directly which were chosen to have the largest capacitance possible for its footprint ? (This can be anything you feel is realistic)
- Power trace feeds local reservoir caps and each reservoir cap distributes its power for a particular region of the board. All the components within that area have decoupling caps being fed from their local reservoir.
The order of the scenarios should be that would cause the power trace to go from most demanding to least demanding.
Added signal type - its a sinsusoid