I've got a 4 digit green 7 segment display (technically 5, it's from a microwave and the "5th" digit is the function lights on the top and bottom). I don't have a datasheet for it. It's common cathode, the first 2 and last 2 cathodes control the digits and the middle controls the function lights. I'd like to figure out an ideal driving current so I can drive it from an Arduino safely. If I assume that each segment takes, say, 10mA, then if that segment on all "5" digits is lit, then the arduino is sourcing 50mA of current through a single pin, more than the recommended max of 40mA. Rather than just settle for no more than 8mA for a total of no more than 40mA, I'd like to actually do some math. I'm driving the display with a buck regulator set to 2.2V for testing
Now, my multimeter sucks. It's one of those free pieces of crap from harbor freight. I like it because it's free and I can abuse (and break) it without really caring because I can get another, but I hate it because it's SO inconsistent with small measurements. It has a 20mA, 200mA and 10A current setting. If I set it to the 10A setting, the maximum resolution it has is tens of mA, and it goes between .01 and .02A. If I change it to the 200mA setting, it says 5.6mA, and on the 20mA setting it says 4.8mA. This is frustrating, so I tried reading the current by converting it to a voltage across a resistor. I used a 100 ohm / .1% resistor, put it in series and connected the black lead from the DMM to ground and the red lead between the LED and the resistor, and read the voltage in millivolts. I got 130mV. So, ohms law: $$\frac{.130mV}{100Ω} = .0013mA$$ ...1.3mA?! I can understand the crappy multimeter being bad at measuring current, but it's usually spot on with voltages, which it why I did it like this. I can't understand getting that many different measurements though.
So, my question is two-fold. First, did I do the ohm's law measurements right, or was there something I missed? Second, given that I don't have a constant current LED driver, nor do I have a way of making one right now, how would you recommend I accurately measure the current of these LEDs? I will be driving it from the arduino directly, so I'll be using resistors. And please, be nice. I don't have a lot of money for things, which is why I have a crappy free multimeter instead of a better, more expensive one.