First off I'd like to say that once I figure out what kind of communication I am dealing with here, I'd like to change the title of this question to something more appropriate (or if someone else understands what I am asking). Anyway, let me get through the details and then to the question...
I am currently talking to a device over RS-232. For a lot of instrumentation you would typically send SCPI commands, say if you have a meter you'd send something like MEAS:VOLT:DC which would measure the DC voltage. Then you might send a command like FETC? to actually retrieve whatever was measured.
In my situation it's quite different, I'd send it an address such as 0x892A4F2C (except in the form of a string) followed by an end-of-line character. The response would then be whatever data is at that address. Although these are not SCPI commands, the functionality is fairly similar. I've heard that this is sometimes done because it's more efficient for an embedded device to think about things in hexadecimal (as opposed to ASCII).
Does anyone know what this protocol/command-set is called? Is there any industry standard associated with this?