I am currently measuring the frequency of a square wave using input capture on the atmega328p. Once it detects the frequency, I have the code lighting up one LED above a certain cutoff (i.e. about 150 hz) and one below.
volatile uint8_t flag;
volatile unsigned int capture1, capture2, CaptOvr;
volatile unsigned long T1Ovs, timer0_ovflow;
volatile long ticks;
volatile double period;
unsigned long int frequency;
float Ttime;
void timer1_init(void)
// Starting timer 1 in normal mode
// TCCR1B= 0x00;
TCCR1A = 0x00;
// setting interrupt flag register to 0.
// timer 1 setup without any pre scalars, and enabling
//input capture on rising edge
TCCR1B = (1<< ICES1);
TCCR1B |=(1<<CS12)|(1<<CS10);
// setting the timer/counter i/o locations to 0.
// enabling input capture
// enabling global interrupt
if (flag==0)
capture1 = ICR1;
//setting overflow_counter to 0.
else if (flag==1)
capture2 = ICR1;
//saving the value of overflow_counter to total_overflow
CaptOvr = T1Ovs;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// initialize timer
DDRD = (1<<PORTD7)|(1<<PORTD6);//|(1<<PORTD5);
PORTD = (0<<PORTD7)|(0<<PORTD6);//|(0<<PORTD5);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
//flag = first_capture;
//while (flag != wait);
if (flag==2)
ticks = (capture2 - capture1) + (CaptOvr * 0x10000L);
// T1Ovs=0;
// Ttime= ((256*ticks)/16000000);
frequency = (16000000/ticks)/1024;
// frequency= (1/Ttime);
Serial.println ((frequency));
if ((frequency>=100))
PORTD = (1<<PORTD7);
else if ( (frequency<100))
PORTD = (1<<PORTD6)|(0<<PORTD5);
// PORTD=(1<<PORTD6);
so now, I want to turn on a 3rd led which will turn on when there isnt any signal being sent to the interrupt pin.( and it will turn off when a signal is being sent). This is the part i am currently stuck on. any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated.