I am sorry if I am asking trivial question. I tried to search previous questions but unable to find it, there is only question on what will happen if neutral line disconnected.
My question this time is about what will happen when one of the three phase loads get disconnected just like the in the figure below?
For (a) which is star-connection, is the phase voltage is still Vline/sqrt(3)? Is Ineutral= -(IR+IB) still valid if IY=0?
For (b) which is delta-connection, is the phase current of still Iline/sqrt(3)?
How do I solve these two questions? I tried to find similar questions online but cannot find any with keywords like '3 phase system, one phase disconnected'.
My answers for part (a) and (b) are as shown below.
If you know similar problems from some other source, would you kindly share with me? I can read there myself. Thank you.