Regarding this paper, I first tried to wire single-ended floating sources to a diff ended data acquisition board. But because of some power supply related issues and not wanting to make another interface for bias resistors I want to try another configuration by converting floating sources(0 10V DC outputting transducers like humidity, temperature ect) to grounded sources. So basically my sources are single-ended(not bipolar) and the DAQ board is diff ended.
To make it clear what I mean here are the general configurations from the paper:
In above table, I was using the the one on the top left with bias resistor and now I want to try the encircled one in red.
My questions are:
Here I made a more practical drawing:
As you see above the Figure 1 represents my current wiring scheme. And in that there is no earth ground involved. But still I'm having issues. And now I want to change this to "grounded sources to diff ended" scheme like the one encircled in red.
Regarding the red encircled configuration from the original paper:
1-) Can I do this floating to grounded scheme by using earth? Is my Figure 2 correct?
2-) No extra wire needed to be wired to AIGND?
3-) I wired the DC- to earth ground, but is this correct? I'm not sure whether DC- or SGND must be wired to earth ground. Because sometimes I observed wiring DC- to the earth reduces 50Hz interference.