I need to drive several indicator LEDs at <2mA. Each LED has a nominal Vf between 3.2V and 3.3V (Vf max up to 4V).
In the past I've had the luxury of (a) current-limiting resistors or (b) constant-current power supplies.
But what do I do when my entire circuit has to run off a single 3.3V SMPS, and the microprocessor outputs are limited to 25mA? Here solution A isn't applicable, and the budget doesn't allow solution B (unless maybe all the LEDs can share a single current-limited supply--they don't all have to be on at the same time--and yet I still get to control the LEDs from a microprocessor directly, without external transistors.)
- I have a microprocessor with a few PWM outputs, but not enough for every LEDs. (yes, multiplexing is possible)
- This is an ultra-low-power, portable application.
- BOM cost has to be low, low, low.