I have a homework problem regarding differential amplifier.
We have a differential amplifier with symmetric supply (i.e. \$V_{CC}=-V_{EE}\$). Emitters are connected to a perfect current source \$I_{EE}\$. T2's base is connected to the ground. T1's base (circuit's input) is connected to a sin wave generator, \$V_{PPUIN1}=2mV, \ \overline{V_{IN1}}=0V\$. We also know that \$\overline{V_{OUT2}}=8V, \ V_{PPOUT2}=400mV\$, where \$V_{OUT2}\$ is "wy2" in the image below. \$R_C=5k\Omega, \ V_{CESAT}=0.2V, \ V_{BE}=0.7V\$
- Calculate \$I_{EE}, \ V_{CC}\$
- \$V_{IN1}\$ was changed to \$-1V\$. Calculate \$V_{OUT1}, \ V_{OUT2}\$
- Draw the transfer characteristic for both outputs for \$V_{IN1}\in<-1V;1V>\$
Since \$U_{IN}=U_{IN1}<2\varphi_T\$, then we assume that both transistors are active. Hence we can use this formula (I am not familiar with English naming convention, so pardon me, if my guess is incorrect):
\$G_{DIFF2}=\frac{g_mR_C}{2}=\frac{I_{EE}R_C}{4\varphi_T}=\frac{V_{PPOUT2}}{V_{PPUIN1}}=\frac{400mV}{2mV}=200V/V\rightarrow I_{EE}=4mA\$
The average value at the second output is \$\overline{V_{OUT2}}=V_{CC}-\frac{I_{EE}R_C}{2}\rightarrow V_{CC}=18V\$
And now let's calculate for what \$U_{IN1}\$ T1 becomes saturated:
\$V_{CC}-I_{EE}R_C-V_{CES}=V_{IN1}-V_{BE}\\ V_{IN1}=-1.5V\$
so.. it seems like our assumption was wrong and both transistors are not active. But from the other side, if T1 is saturated, then T2 must be cut off... which does not make sense, since we were given the information, that there is a sine wave at the second output. At this point I don't know what to do next