I'm designing a board based on TI's DRV110 solenoid driver. The datasheet explain that:
"The DRV110 is able to regulate \$V_{IN}\$ voltage from a higher external supply voltage, \$V_S\$, by an internal bypass regulator that replicates the function of an ideal Zener diode. This requires that the supply current is sufficiently limited by an external resistor between \$V_S\$ and the \$V_{IN}\$ pin."
\$V_{IN}\$ is effectively always regulated to \$15\mathrm{V}\$. The DRV110 can sink between \$1\$ and \$3\mathrm{mA}\$, but also requires enough current to drive other connected components. In my design, this \$I_\mathrm{aux} = 1.5\mathrm{mA}\$ just to drive a MOSFET and resistor network.
The datasheet recommends that for a \$V_S\$ (source voltage) of \$24V_\mathrm{DC}\$, we add a series resistor (\$R_s\$) of \$9\mathrm{k}\Omega\$ between \$V_S\$ and \$V_{IN}\$. This makes sense to me. At \$24\mathrm{V}\$ source, the device has to regulate down to \$15\mathrm{V}\$, a drop of \$9\mathrm{V}\$. We now are able to drop the \$9\mathrm{V}\$ over the resistor, and at \$9\mathrm{k}\Omega\$, the current through the internal zener is \$1\mathrm{mA}\$.
This wouldn't deliver enough current if I need \$I_\mathrm{aux}\$ though, correct? We would need \$3.6\mathrm{k}\Omega\$ instead so we would have a total of \$2.5\mathrm{mA}\$.
Am I also limited to some voltage here, higher than \$24\mathrm{V}\$ but not necessarily the full \$48\mathrm{V}\$ that the device can accept? At \$48\mathrm{V}\$ we drop \$33\mathrm{V}\$ down to \$15\mathrm{V}\$, and that \$33\mathrm{V}/9\mathrm{k}\Omega = 3.66\mathrm{mA}\$ which is too much for the DRV110 to sink.
Things get weird, though, because the DRV110 has a wide input range (\$V_S\$ from 6 to \$48\mathrm{V_{DC}}\$) and I believe in the reference design they tried to add an external regulator for a more robust design. Below is the reference design's notes plus the schematic. Note that in the reference design, the \$I_\mathrm{aux}\$ was higher so the required current is more like \$9\mathrm{mA}\$:
"In the reference design, \$R_S = R_1 + R_2\$, and the minimum input voltage = \$19.4\mathrm{V}\$. Therefore, $$R_S = \frac{19.4 – 15}{ 1 + 0.11 + 8} = 480 \Omega.$$
The Zener diode \$D_1\$ clamps the voltage to \$20V\$ using the series resistor \$R_1\$. At a rated input voltage of \$24\mathrm{V_{DC}}\$, the Zener diode \$D_1\$ regulates the voltage to \$20\mathrm{V}\$. Then the drop across \$R_1\$ is \$4\mathrm{V}\$ and across \$R_2\$ is \$5\mathrm{V}\$. This drop ensures that \$R_1\$ takes most of the loads due to an increase in input voltage.
The above design values at the rated input voltage of \$24\mathrm{V_{DC}}\$ gives the ratio \$R_2/R_1 = 5/4\$, leading to \$R_2 = 300\Omega\$ and \$R_1 = 178\Omega\$. These values ensure that with the increase in input voltage, the current sinking of the DRV110 remains constant."
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I just don't understand the above logic.
- Wouldn't the current to the DRV110 always be $$ \frac{(20-15)\mathrm{V}}{300\Omega} = 16.7\mathrm{mA}, $$ significantly more than the design called for?
Now say that the input voltage was lower (supposedly they designed this for as low as \$19.4\mathrm{V}\$). Let \$V_s = 21\mathrm{V_{DC}}\$. The current through \$R_1\$ is \$(V_s - 20\mathrm{V})/ 178\Omega\$ which would be \$5.6 \mathrm{mA}\$ and this is less than the current through \$R_2\$ which is fixed at \$16.7\mathrm{mA}\$.
- Here, would \$D_1\$ stop clamping to \$20\mathrm{V}\$ and the current would be based on the series resistance of \$R_1 + R_2\$? In this scenario, that would be \$(21 - 15)\mathrm{V} / 478\Omega\$ which would be \$12.5\mathrm{mA}\$, again too high.
I think my understanding of the zener function and/or the IC current draw is flawed here. The network is supposed to be current limiting, so perhaps I need to stop thinking about it as determining the current draw? At this point I've been thinking about it too much and I'm not making any headway.
Thanks everyone!