I'm trying to find the conversion time of ADC of this (page 1083) microcontroller. The first thing I see is 1 MHz conversion rate in "42.2 Embedded Characteristics" (page 1084).
Also, in "42.6.1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion" is mentioned "ADC conversions are sequenced by two operating times: the tracking time and the conversion time." It's easy to find the tracking time but I'm a little confused by the second part "conversion time".
In page 1173, "Table 44-41. ADC Timing Characteristics" I see "tCONV" 20 (typ) tcp_adc (clock periods). I reckon the clock period is that it's mentioned in the second row of the table which is from 45ns to 1000ns. Those numbers give exactly the frequency numbers as the first row.
The most confusing part for me is in page 1089 (42.6.2 ADC Clock). This section says that the frequency is between Fperiph_clk/2 (60 MHz) and Fperiph_clk/512 (234.375 KHz). According to the datasheet the Fperiph_clk is the master clock which is 120 MHz. These values are much different than the values of the table above.
Am I missing something here?