I am using ADC0808CCN for a project on converting analog signal to digital signal. It has an inbuilt multiplexer using which we have to provide an analog signal to one of the pin. However what happens is ;
Sometimes it latches to a particular value say 1000000 and remains at there no matter how many times Start of Conversion is pressed which should set the inner counter to 0.
Sometimes it gives slightly wrong output off by 100 or 1000 and when I press Start of conversion, it gives correct output, so its not reliable every time.
And most seriously , Suppose the control for multiplexer according to Datasheet are such that input pin 1 should be active, instead, it works only when the input is given to pin 5 for one particular IC and pin 3 for other.
I have been trying to fit it in logic since 3 days however each day some new error happens. I have replaced it twice from my college lab and now the technician doesn't want to replace it anymore . What is amiss here ?