I want to find a way to control a power device from a microcontroller. I must control a power device from the microcontroller, making the voltage to vary betwen 0 and 28 VDC, knowing that the power device could need up to 10A.
So the "module" should have the following specifications :
- Vout : from 0 to 28 VDC (adjustable)
- Iout : 10A max
- I2C Digital interface to set Vout. Could also be just PWM input but i2c preferred
- Vin : from 28 to 36 VDC (open to other specs for Vin, not the most important)
So I was looking to a digital programmable buck, flyback converter or programmable switching regulator fitting the exposed needs.
The main contrainst is that the module should ideally be COTS as I do not have access to full PCB design. (Yes, that is awful)
After having dissected a lot of electronics components constructors, as Ti, Analog Device, MaximIntegrated, MPS, and others electronics components suppliers, I am not finding the ideal component/COTS... That's should be so straight-forward in my opinion ! Since it's just a flycback/buck converter with I2C PWM controller above ! I was suprised to not find quickly a module fitting the need.
Some power management modules exist, but the output voltage is set with analogic potentiometer (soldered in the board) or with a jumper to select Vout among others choices...
Any ideas ? Power electronics is not my main field so maybe I am not searching in a appropriate way.
Please let me know if the question looks unclear.