I'm a mechanic!
So, please do not blame me for stupid questions. I did a lot of research using relays for switching DC motors. The following circuit is showing the current version I want to realize this to run a compressor with two motor circuits. One motor is driving one compressor unit.
The right side is powered by 110 AC voltage commutated to 110V DC. The high-voltage side is pretty much the same used in the original compressor.The motor is a 110V/0.9A DC motor. The low-voltage side is fed by a 12V DC power supply. The motor is a 12V/8A DC motor. I'm wondering if the shown low-voltage side is ok since I had to re-design it. Based on the research for switching DC motor it should be ok. The original device was using only one side at the same time. Since I would like to switch both side at the same time I'm not sure if the circuit is missing some components.
- is it ok to secure both relays with one diode (D6 = 1N4007) only?
- if the switch S1 is released is another diode on the low-voltage side needed to handle induced voltage by motor stop?
- the capacitor C1 is more or less copied from the original setup. What is that needed for?
- Is it ok to have the relay low-power side in the same power supply circuit as the relay high-power side for the 12 V DC motor?
- should I spend some components on both relays high-power sides to protect the relay switches from arcing (was not included in the original setup)?
Thank you very much for your support. I really want to make sure to not harm both DC motors. Any advice is appreciated.